Is anyone else having an issue with the green menu bar?

I’ve been having a formatting issue for a few days, where the menu items from the green bar near the top of the page are misplaced and are overlapping other images lower on the page.

I wanted to check in to see if other users were having this issue, and if so, what browser/version you’re using to view the site.

Mod 1

Not currently having a problem. On this computer I use IE 8.

The longer menus go underneath the forum posts in IE 10 with Compatibility View on. I’ll have to check on Chrome later which is what I use at home.

Not a problem in Chrome 32.

Problem with safari both 4g and via any router on both iPhone and iPad, green menus drop down and block things from the blue header bar on up. Started very recently, couple of weeks maybe. Home PC not effected but has other issues.

Also, the header above the blue bar has faint menu options ghosting over the top of the Chronicle Forums>Forums> etc> options and bet that’s where the green box is coming from, ghost menu superimposed on top of options menu .

Yes, problems. I use Chrome and the green bar does not have any words on it.
The drop down menus appear when when running the mouse over the page title.