Is it possible to look up w/o a tattoo?

My leasor is digging into my ISH’s pedigree. When I got him, I was given his breeding paperwork to register him, with sire info and dam just listed as TB named Molly Brown and no #. She was allegedly 21 when I got him at two, I did look at her lip but it was so blurry and mottled it was useless.

I’ve done this before for an Arabian, with yob and color+markings.

How old is your ISH now and where was he foaled (country)? There are a number of Molly Brown TBs. I’m guessing US since you saw her, but the only one registered in the US was born in 1960. There are a few newer models but they were all foaled abroad, unless one was imported.

She wasn’t nice enough to be imported IMO. My guess is 1991 model.

Every TB with that name or a close name is foaled pre-1984 or post-1997. I also checked USEF records in case it was a show name vs a registered name, but nothing with that name is a TB and has a close birth year.

Yeah, it’s not hard to search the JC database by name:

But “Molly Brown” doesn’t turn up anything foaled near 1991. That must not be the whole name, or not what the mare was registered under.

There is a 1992 chestnut unraced mare named Molly, though:

Or a 1998 Miss Molly Brown

Definitely was a classic bay. Ok thank you all. I did this once with an Arab, I was able to chose gender, color, and yob and then narrow down based on markings to find and contact her breeders. Was hoping it was possible with JC as well. Doesn’t change my horse’s registration but his “other” mommy was curious.

I know JC can spell things different, I even tried it as one word :slight_smile:

You can sort of do that… you need to have at least a partial tattoo, though. The letter and at least two digits. You could sit there and try your likely year plus every possible combination of the first two numbers, along with sex, color, and markings but you’d be going through 60 searches and then have to click every result to see the names. And if her real name isn’t something close to Molly Brown, then you probably wouldn’t know it if you saw it anyway.

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