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Is It USEF Network (or Me)

I watched a bit of junior hunter finals this AM no problem but when I came back to it just now, the site keeps asking me to log in or join. I am clearly logged-in and my membership good through September.

I’ve restarted and tried two different browsers to no avail. I even said ‘what the hey’ and clicked JOIN only to be told I’m already a member, “no further action is needed.”

Anybody else? Or am I the only one slacking off today?


It’s okay, it’s okay; it’s not me … they’re fixing it!

Good news for every productive person waiting til the lunch hour to tune in,

Thank you, chiming in as a productive worker who just tried to log in over lunch. Adding FWIW the Second Round Gladstone commentary was appreciated!

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I loved, loved the commentary, too even above and beyond the Gladstone Cup (wow, Alexander Alston is impressive!). Planning on going back this weekend and picking up what I missed – especially much of Liza Boyd’s turn. Alltold, there were some great combos in rotation. With only so many lunch hours in the week, you know…

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