is there a new COTH on aol?

what’s up? i just got an email through my email that’s not registered to this site, inviting me to join a new COTH forum through AOL. is this affiliated with COTH? what are they talking about?

It’s not thru AOL. That is simply the email for the adminstrator who set the thing up. Not sure what the story is behind the site but I’d venture to say it has absolutely no affiliation w/this board. Might be some refugees that started it. I got the same invite.

Uh, if they are using the name COTH or Chronicle of the Horse, I expect they’ll be hearing from our lawyer shortly.

I think it’s Conversations of the Horse - C.O.T.H. Or something like that. I didn’t get an invite, but I did see it somewhere else.

Uh, if they are using the name COTH or Chronicle of the Horse, I expect they’ll be hearing from our lawyer shortly.[/QUOTE]

Is the acronym COTH trademarked to Chronicle of the Horse?

i just checked and it’s listed as COTHForums. i suppose they got my other email from my website. it looks like it’s set up pretty much like this bb.

Would someone mind forwarding the email they received please? Thank you.

Did you get that e-mail Erin? I got one also and can foward it if you want it. Have no idea why I got one and also thought it was part of this forum.

I’m aware of the UnCOuTH Forum, started August 14th, use of caps are theirs:

Well the Council of Teaching Hospitals uses COTH. Doesn’t appear they’ve been contacted by Chronical legal beagles.

And most concerning considering that Erin has felt compelled to take the decision to close the Sports Horse Breeding is this posting:

where the perpetrator is clearly displaying her intent to totally ignore this forum’s rules.

So it seems she was successful in getting it closed when all along she was intent on departure.

Shame others had to suffer because of her personal agenda and stupidity!

Ilona, the use of “COTH” on a horse forum, advertised to members of THIS forum (which in itself is a violation of good netiquette), is rather different than using the same acronym in a completely different field.

Yes, I did get the email and it’s been forwarded onto the powers that be, who will do with it what they will. And as this topic is not related to technical assistance (and because I don’t need yet another rehash of the SHB issues), we’ll consider the issue closed.