Is there a regaining confidence support group?

Did a search, but the results were all over the map :wink:

If there isn’t one already, would anyone be interested in posting to a thread where riders who due to injury, disablity, or any other reason for losing their riding mojo can post and help each other get back into the saddle and riding? I think it would be very helpful for those of us fighting the ole fear battle.

Again, if there is a thread already, can someone shoot me a link? I’d love to do this.

This is a forum I follow as time allows. Gincy Bucklin has written several books on the subject.

hunkering down for the hurricane.

thanks. I actually have one of Gincy’s books but never read it. I’ll check out the yahoo group as well.

There is also a thread under Hunter/Jumpers called “Can we have an adult re-rider support group”. Many of us have confidence issues/out of riding/injuries, whatever and are great at bucking each other up.