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Is there a thread where we get to express our sheer joy

I had a hard year, lost my 4 year old to Wobblers.

But I started taking both Dressage and jumping lessons on some lesson horses every week to stay in shape/stay positive. Dressage is my passion, the jumping lessons are just to switch it up and get me out of my comfort zone. I’m having a blast!!! Progress always feels slow but I am so far from when I started years ago!

I’m horse shopping (so far unsuccessfully) too. Looking at a prospect later today. I’m always SO excited to try out a potential horse.


Stepped truly out of my comfort zone and rode in a clinic with Tina Konyot. It was a great experience

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I will chime in here. I got on my green bean today, after having Dec, Jan and most of Feb off. We had done a little light lunging and tack walking outdoors in Jan. He was a very good boy today and remembered everything he had learned last summer/fall.


I’ve had alot of this lately. My mostly retired horse came to 14yo me half wild, barely broke etc. There were some sporadic lessons over the years but I did all the work myself. We never got very far in the competition world but…I’ve come to realise that it all paid off. She can do nothing for 6 months, be pulled out of the paddock and its like she was in full work. I’ve been putting my novice sister on her lately, and this very hot, not for novices horse knows her job and didn’t put a foot wrong. Also having a 4yo makes me realise just how GOOD and easy she is. Truly the most reliable horse you could ask for.

But the absolute best…I’ve never been game to canter her bareback outside the arena, for the very hot reason listed above (she loves nothing more than to go FAST). But the other day, we were meandering on the trails and I thought, what the heck why not. And then we were cantering on a loose rein and it was just the most incredible feeling and connection. Hopefully this video works:


This is the perfect thread right now. This has been a rough, rough week on top of our year.
Anyway, I’m an experienced rider (40 something), and have ridden since I was 10. I’ve never felt I had the time or money to be a responsible owner so I ride what and who I can. Not being an owner makes me feel very insecure and I feel like people think less of me as a rider as a result.

Currently I’m riding a somewhat coarse, downhill OTTB at a barn that is very biased towards fancy WB’s for dressage. The things they say! When I first started with my guy he was like dragging a grumpy brick around the arena and he only had very basic training. Today he grabs the bit from my hand and recently we’ve schooled lead changes. It’s only been 2x, about a month apart each (long story). The second time was a huge improvement!!

The BEST part of this: We’ve done it all on our own! He’s one of the hardest horses I’ve ridden, demanding perfection. …And is turns out he loves jumping!! My brick has turned into a butterfly.


I have a completely inconsistent schedule and a senior horse with chronic suspensory issues. I don’t ride enough in the winter for him to have any strength, and I am not that good a rider, but, a few strides of trot, on the bit with his back lifted, his cadence even, and my handsome fella responding attentively to every aide as well as he can … it is a gift to feel so happy.

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Two of my mustangs on lead across the pasture full of sheep, down to the pond, up steps and…across the front porch~! quite a thrill actually :slight_smile:

oh, and: Peepers!!! yay!

That’s so cool! Hopefully you and your ottb prove everyone wrong!

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When you look for it, every day is joyful…
Yesterday was official Be Free Day for two of my mustangs! They have earned the right to daily pasture turnout :). Because: they can be haltered anytime anywhere. They can be led anywhere. They lift all four feet to be cleaned and they load on a trailer. Let the saddle training begin! Well gray gets saddled, bay gets drivers’ ed (she 13.2)


Finally with the best trainer in the world my mare is getting where I like her to be… We overcame so many problems and some problems we might never get rid of because she is a huge bitchy mare but she has a lot of fun with the training in the moment and I can’t await to finally go to a show again… Because of Corona, Germany still doesn’t allow shows and obviously now they added the Herpes virus to our problems…


Wow she looks great! I hope one day my huge ( to me) bitchy ( not really - just speshul) mare looks this good. And I look a fraction as nice as this rider. That would be sheer joy!

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My mare who has had various problems for two years was finally w/t/c under saddle Tuesday! She promptly got herself kicked in the knee on Thursday, but was sound by the time I’d finished cold hosing it before any meds.

My young mare and I have found the trot we want for the show ring, and while we can’t hold it for a full ride (she’s not strong enough!) we can hold it long enough and through enough work for a test. And when the trot is right, the canter is as well. We’re in a phase where walk is our hardest gait, because she plays with the bit instead of reaching into contact at a walk.
A friend saw our work on Saturday and declared it so spectacular that if she sees me get that at a show, she won’t need to see my competition to know we won.

I’m having the same with my 5 year old green bean who has been on vaca since first week of December and she feels better now than she did in December! She’s weak and lacks fitness, but she’s so clearly happy to be back in work and just feels fresh (not attitude fresh, genuinely rejuvenated). She’s so much fun to ride and we found our happy again!

I can’t wait to get her out to schooling shows and clinics this year to start showing her off!


I got an OTTB in October and he had three straight months of soundness issues :roll_eyes: (all minor & also unrelated thankfully) but now that I’ve been able to ride him he has blossomed into a really nice horse! He’s got a fantastic brain and makes me feel like I actually know what I am doing. He is not an easy ride yet but he is so honest. If I am correct, he will try his hardest to be correct. We are going to get our feet wet and show Intro B/Training 1 at a schooling show in a couple weeks.

I forgot my bridle at home the other day, and pulled up to the barn at sunset only to realize the indoor was still closed for remodeling, meaning my only option to ride was to take him bitless in the unlighted outdoor. He was fantastic, he listens so well to my seat and voice.


This girl. I didn’t get to ride much this winter, and she has not been the quickest to get with the program, but the last few rides she has been offering cantering awkwardly. Today she managed both leads, all the way around the big outdoor arena, and picked up the canter from my seat aid. Once she figures a thing out, she really figures it out!


I finally got myself a pivo and today it videotaped us for the first time :blush:. Some people asked me whether I stopped riding because there were only pictures from my trainer with my horse… well not any more :star_struck:


What a beautiful horse! :heart_eyes:


I finally completed my Bronze Medal! After riding for almost 30 years and focusing on dressage for the last 22 years, I can’t believe I finally finished it. It took 3 different horses and not getting past First Level until 2018, but I did it. Now I can look forward to my Silver!


LadyNeon01, congratulations!!! That’s such an accomplishment. Any advice for us amateurs that are also muddling through dressage?