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Is there a thread where we get to express our sheer joy

Thanks!!! The only real advice I have is to just keep plugging away at it. I’m an amateur myself so I completely understand the struggle. I ride 4-5 days a week and try to go for lessons with my trainer every 2-4 weeks. Some weeks and months are tougher because of weather issues (and real life, to be honest).
I’m lucky that Mr. Neon is so supportive. We don’t have any kids so that makes it a bit easier for me to spend hours at the barn. And everyone else at the barn is really encouraging also. It truly takes a village to do it!


Oh I love that this thread has carried on, and with photos!!

Covid has tried very, very hard to put a pin in our aspirations, but I’m so pleased to report it hasn’t beat us. The continued lockdowns where I am have been so frustrating, but this time we’ve managed to keep the lessons going and we’ve had some great breakthroughs.

I’ve finally figured out the contact and he’s accepted and seeking it. He’s a horse who, hand to god, couldn’t ride a figure 8 a year ago, now we can functionally complete a test pattern. He’s bending, he’s listening - we’re both having a good time.

And I keep working on my at home riding ring. It isn’t and never will be anything fancy, but it’s a place to ride in between lessons!

I’m holding out hope for a show by the end of the summer, but barring that I think I will also get a pivo.


Congratulations, you give me hope for myself!

Well after a rough start at a local schooling show this past Saturday (had to scratch both my rides on my 3 year old due to my 2 horses falling in love on the traer while hauling up there) I ended up riding two tests on my home bred Welsh cob and getting to see and feel the light bulb go off for him on our medium and extended gaits. We received 7 and 7.5 respectively for each the two and canter. Flying changes are still a concept to be mastered but I had so much fun. This was the first time we rode 3-1 in competition and the second time we’ve ever ridden this test. Ended up with a 61.9 which I’ll gladly take…obviously room for improvement but I feel like we just crested a huge hurdle.


It’s a joy to watch you riding!! You are such a nice rider!!!

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Thank you! I appreciate the support. Despite a dismal start to our show (scratching my other horse due to the antics of the one I’m riding in the clip) I truly had FUN riding these tests. There were plenty of opportunities that needed improvement but the fact that he tried to deliver and really started to have the light bulb moments was really a joy and sheer pride that he seemed to be having fun too.


He’s really quite lovely. I’ve seen some fantastic Welsh Cobs (via video) recently. I never thought much about them before, but they’ve grabbed my attention. You two make a great pair and I’m sure you’ll have even more success in the future.

Thank you. Obviously I’m very partial to him and though I’m not barn blind and know all too well the challenges, I am hoping that we’ll be able to continue to climb through the levels. Having been a breeder for more than a few years :wink: I will be the FIRST to say that Welsh Cobs aren’t for everyone. I come from a very long history (centuries is no exaggeration) of Morgan breeders/enthusiasts. Being rather contrary as a child I saw the welsh cob and decided that it was the direction I wanted to go. The joke is I have had more than a few random Morgans in my life as I do now and they are actually very similar if you stick to the foundation types of both breeds, LOL.

He’s so cute! And you always look lovely. I enjoyed that I could tell what movements you were doing, where too often in videos people post I can’t!

Will you be down here for summer shows at all? I’m scribing in June and apparently riding in July. It’s been a while!

Thanks netg. I don’t think I"m going to venture out to the summer shows. I was tempted but we just purchased property in Prescott and will be busy moving stuff from our, now sold, Minnesota condo and building our “summer place” in Prescott. I also think it would be far wiser to work on really getting those flying changes where they need to be this summer. I will most likely show in the fall. So glad to read that you’re planning on riding in July. Post pictures! Lots of pictures! :smile:

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I really, really hope I can get someone to take video for me!!!

I have no idea how it’ll go - she was amazing in behavior at her first two shows two years ago, but it was my trainer riding. She was stronger and otherwise like she was at home, so hopefully I

don’t do that instinctive grab when she’s stronger; her being stronger means bigger and more powerful movement with very elastic contact when I ride it properly!
A friend who hasn’t seen her in a couple years saw this pic and was surprised how big she’s gotten. The joke was, “are you sure no one slipped draft in there?!” In reality, she just keeps getting more and more power. So fun

Unfortunately I’m not able to see the picture. I ended up paying someone to take video for me at the schooling show which in the long run was definitely worth it imo. If she was good for her first two shows it’s highly likely she’ll be fine for the coming one. I hear you on the power, LOL, and fun it certainly is.

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Trying again on the photo!

She is a blast! She’s the third of three full siblings my trainer bred, and her younger half brother from the same dam will also be at the show.

Image showed as I posted, then disappeared. I give up!

Clip from today on JJ - my lower back was spamming, affecting my seat and making my elbows revert to stiff chicken wings. She still looks pretty good despite me. Since the new software won’t allow me to attach a photo, links to videos it is!


@netg Lovely mare, looks like riding a cloud!

When your western pleasure bred appendix QH mare isn’t so dowhill anymore:


Nice video netg. JJ is a lovely mare. Hope to get to see the two of you in person, perhaps, a fall show?

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I suspect we’ll end up at some fall shows! I’d like to show at Training as much as possible for mileage so I get used to her in different situations in lower stress.

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I too got a Pivo recently and was able to get some footage. I don’t do much arena work with older mare anymore as she has some mild neuro issues affecting her right hind and I don’t feel its fair, but after some bodywork she felt amazing and I had to test the Pivo out…so to get the below from a 20yo, arthritic, neuro horse who does little more than trail ride now sure did make me feel like I must’ve done something right along the way!

And then there’s my little 4yo, $500 off a slaughter truck impulse buy, 2.5 months under saddle, most of the work done by me. Obviously lots and lots to work on but gosh she is just so sweet and willing and tries so hard.


Resurrecting this thread after a particularly good lesson yesterday! My trainer actually said “he’s becoming a dressage horse!”

I felt what I assume to be self carriage going around some corners. I’ll have to google self carriage to see if I’m right, but it sure felt like it! Effortless, engaged, upright.


that is awesome! mazel tov!

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