Is there a video clip anywhere of Lorenzo at opening ceremonies?

I’ve seen a few still shots, and it looked spectacular. Any live footage around?

I just watched a video on youtube of him (not at WEG)… why do his horses have their ears pinned so much?

It was in the thread Coreen started about wet weather!

and I don’t see pinned ears,I see ears listening and pointed towards Lorenzo at least in that video!

I just watched it on FEItv and it was wonderful, he is incredible. And the graphics of the water, amazing!


I just watched a video on youtube of him (not at WEG)… why do his horses have their ears pinned so much?[/QUOTE]

I also watched a video on youtube

I watched the opening ceremonies on NBC Universal and what crap coverage. Yesterday I was like the ONLY thing that seemed worth watching was Lorenzo based on their coverage so thanks for posting!