Am I looking a a liver issue? My 18 year old gelding presented with mild colic symptoms twice in a week recently, so we pulled blood. My vet tends to be a little more casual/less proactive than I would like to be at times, so I want to know if I should be pushing more on these values:
GGT: 90 (Reference Interval 12-45 U/L)
GLU: 61 (Reference Interval 72-114 mg/dl)
Possibly unrelated but his Eosin # & percentage were both 0. He was recently treated with 2 months of Protazil for an EPM titer of 1:2000 - completed treatment about a month ago. He’s not currently on any NSAIDs but does a 1/4 pill of previcoxx daily when in work (which has been very sporadic for the past year leading up to the EPM diagnosis).
It’s easy enough for me to take him to NBC for an ultrasound(?) or biopsy (?).