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Is your horse lame?

Shameless plug for survey answers here :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m part of a team at Cambridge University investigating lameness, and we’re running a survey looking at it effects on horse owners. It only takes 2 minutes, and you can exit at any point. If you could spare some time to give it a shot, we would be really appreciative! I will post the results on this thread when we get enough :slight_smile:


What do you mean by how lameness effects owners? What needs to be investigated?

We’re looking at how people deal with lameness in terms of detection and what worries them most. Also to get an idea of how prevalent lameness is!

Also, what do people think about the use of technology to track their horses? Do you use any monitoring equipment at the moment, and is there anything you wish existed? :slight_smile:

DONE :slight_smile:

I had a horse who recently passed who had a condition that resulted in her going off and on of being lame. She was a great companion, but never really ridden too frequently because of it. I did the survey, but not sure how much mine will assist considering it wasn’t a simple temporary lameness

Not sure my lame horse would fit, but I responded.
My horse is 22, was diagnosed with PPID (Cushing’s) at 16 and has been on Prascend and later added thyroid supplement for years now.
He at times is tender footed lame in front.
First time it looked like he was starting to founder.
Hurried him to the vet and they could not find anything wrong.
That has been ongoing for some years, about four times a year, lame for a few days, then fine again for long time.

So, not your typical “lame” horse, may not fit the survey.

Thanks for clarifying OP! I took the survey.

I did the survey too.

My mare was not really geared to your survey either, but any info is helpful , I guess.

I use the Equestic Clip. I got to see the symmetry readings inn action as my horse injured his stifle last winter. I could feel the uneven movement, but the clip was a good confirmation that I wasn’t imagining things. The clip also provided very specific data on the variations between left and right diagonals (trot only) for length of stride in seconds, push off force and landing force. All of which were very helpful when I started riding again.

Almost every horse will at some point have at least an abscess, a stone bruise, a small soft tissue injury, some misalignment behind, or if barefoot just not be able to move out on some types of footing. These horses tend to recover fast with appropriate treatment. I’ve never involved a vet for an abscess.

Then there are the horses with chronic issues , including founder, navicular, or the level of suspensory injury that tends to recur. Or progressive arthritis. These horses need ongoing attention and monitoring.

Someone who has to manage arthritic hocks or navicular degeneration is going to feel a lot different
than I do if my rock solid mare is off for a week with a simple abscess.

Same boat here.

Your survey will NOT give you an idea of how prevalent lameness is - selection bias since you ask in the subject line “Is your horse lame?” You’ll only get people clicking on the link if their horse is lame.

The only question that will really give you some good info is the one about when you seek the vet.

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I wonder if that was another spammer, with a new angle, just fishing for whatever they are after by clicks on their links.

It seems that you can’t trust anyone any more.

The second post asking about technology suggests someone looking at selling a tech device to help people detect/determine lameness…