My wedding anniversary and weekly lesson happen to fall on the same day. Mr. Carrots, being a resigned and patient sort, has suggested that he tag along to the barn and we go out to a leisurely lunch afterward. (Bless the man, he didn’t even think to suggest that I cancel with my trainer. He’s learned a lot.)
Would love recommendations on places reasonably close to Middleburg that are nice/festive, but not so nice that I’ll frighten the other patrons (maybe there’s a patio involved…?). I can tidy up with a wash rack hose, baby wipes, and a fresh shirt, but a full shower and change isn’t an option because I’ll have to come back and do evening barn chores. (So as one of the Baby Carrots says, what’s the point of getting clean if I’m just going to get dirty again?)
If you’ve ever dined somewhere reasonably close to Middleburg in breeches and pinned-up hair (and not been stuck in Siberia next to the kitchen), I’d love suggestions! My first thought was the Red Fox, but they only do dinner.