Hey guys
So I used to ride western a couple years ago (and my horse was trained western), but in March 2015 I switched permanently to English and since then have only been riding my horse English (I got help with training her to more English-style riding). I’m boarding at an eventing barn but that’s not really what I need anymore, so I’m switching barns and the one I’m going to is more western-based. I’m still planning on mainly riding my horse English, but I know that sometimes I’m gonna want to ride western and have some fun with her old gaming training. She’s 6 years old so I’m not worrying about confusing her too much.
I’m just looking for a more inexpensive western saddle brand that would hold up to that without being too hard on my horse? I know that there’s some that are cheap and you do get what you pay for, and they fall apart and hurt the horse, etc. and I’d like to avoid that. I really strongly prefer leather over synthetic so I want to avoid Wintec/Abetta/Fabtron but if it comes down to that and any of you have good experience with one of those brands, I’d definitely be okay with overlooking that, and I’ve heard great things about leather Circle Y saddles so I’d probably be willing to try one of their synthetics if anyone here says good things about them.
As for price, I’m a senior in high school working a minimum wage job (around $250 a paycheck twice a month) and I make $225 car payments every month. I know it’s unrealistic to be like “I want a great saddle that I can buy for $200” so I’d be okay with waiting a couple months and saving up a few paychecks to get it.
OH, also lol, I’d prefer more of a barrel-style saddle but again, I can overlook that if I have to.