"Issues" and riding

I had posted in another section about this, but this section seems to be better suited for my questions.

I was looking to connect with others that are dealing with bipolar, mood disorders, anxiety, depression, etc. Just having someone to bounce some ideas or thoughts off of from time to time would be a great help.

I am bi-polar, and everyday things can get pretty difficult at times. Some days are a struggle to get out of bed, to go to work, to take care of the horses. This morning was pretty rough, I could barely get myself out of bed (over an hour later then planned). I arrived at work 30 minutes late and had to ask for help in getting the barn clean (i work on a horse farm) because I was feeling so terrible. I knew if one thing went wrong I’d fall to pieces. I got done quickly and left before the “meltdown.” Thankfully the temperature has been cooler the last couple days so i have been leaving the horses out. I needed the break from cleaning my own stalls and bringing horses in and out. When I’m in that mood it’s best I don’t do too much with the horses, as I lose my temper easily so I do the minimum on those days. It’s just an upsetting process sometimes. It’s difficult to stay motivated. I feel like I never progress because I ride everyday for a week, and then won’t ride for weeks. I schedule lessons and cancel last minute. :frowning:

The only solid bit of advice I’d give you is to try to work closely with your doctor on the meds when you are going to changes like this.

I don’t have bipolar but have had three major depressive episodes, the latest being this last spring. I feel like I’m just beginning to get my head out of the muck now. The first med didn’t work – some days I could not get up until the middle of the afternoon, if at all – and the second is working better, but I’m still not riding again yet. I have learned not to push myself if I’m feeling on the edge.

Ditto Black Gold. Response to medications is so dependent on the individual. Work with someone you trust. Just because we are not yet at the point where we understand the causes does not mean there aren’t approaches that can help.

And wishing the best for both of you.

Meds have been an on going issue. My family doctor isn’t comfortable prescribing the meds I would need without the consult of a therapist. However, I do not have insurance and locating a therapist that will work with me based on my income has been difficult. I’ve tried programs through the state to get treatment through one of the hospitals but that was a disaster :eek: I was doing better BEFORE I started that program, and I eventually just dropped out of the program. So now I am waiting on a spot to open up for a therapist and doing the run around with Social Security in the hopes of getting medicaid so I can get the treatment and medication I need.

Therapy is the bessssttt.

I have an anxiety disorder that was horrible and is now for the most part “gone”. I don’t take meds and I’m not in therapy anymore either. I’m sitll very anxious and have panic attacks on a regular basis, but I no longer spend days or even weeks without leaving the house. I’m much more confident now too.

Therapy is better than meds, in my opinion. This isn’t for all cases, of course.

It also helps tons to have people who actually understand what you are going too, which is why threads like this are so helpful.

Oh, absolutely, don’t discount therapy! Usually they go hand in hand, but again, this is dependent on the person involved.

I’m bipolar II (with rapid cylcing) and ADD. It has taken me years to finally find a psychiatrist who was able to come up with a combination of meds that really work for me. Now we are in the process of fine tuning. I know what my baseline is for the first time in my life. Therapy works, it helps. But if you need meds, you need meds. A malfunctioning brain isn’t any different than having diabetes or heart disease. It needs treatment, and that frequently is includes medications.

Many is the day I hardly could get out of bed even to go to my horse. But once I managed to get there he did more than anyone else to help me.

Stick with it and don’t give up!