Issues with Blood Clots & Riding

do people have blood clots and still ride not me just wondering and not trying to be personal here:(

Well, I won reserve champ region 8 at Grand Prix
when I had a blood clot that extended from about
the point of my hip down into my leg. I was on heparin
and coumadin. Figured if it was going to kill me, it might
as well do it while I was doing something I loved.

I did not ride in the I-2 champs, though - didn’t want to
press my luck any further.

I am still on coumadin and ride.

Well, I won reserve champ region 8 at Grand Prix
when I had a blood clot that extended from about
the point of my hip down into my leg. I was on heparin
and coumadin. Figured if it was going to kill me, it might
as well do it while I was doing something I loved.

I did not ride in the I-2 champs, though - didn’t want to
press my luck any further.

I am still on coumadin and ride.[/QUOTE]

how do you cope with it ?

Can you please learn to use caps and punctuation? I can’t read text-speak.
If I didn’t say it, somebody else would.


Well, the clots eventually dissolve once you
are on meds. I have had 3 pulmonary emboli
and a DVT but since I have been on coumadin
I have not had a recurrance.
I always wear a helmet since a brain bleed would
be a Very Bad Thing. I stay off the loons.
Cope? Nothing to cope with, really. What will be,
will be.

My sister, brother and I all have a genetic mutation that raises our chances of DVT’s 100 over your average person. My older sister ‘threw’ her first clots about 6 years ago…two in her left leg behind the knee.

She’s been on coumadin ever since and while she’s not an equestrian, it certainly doesn’t stop her from doing anything (she’s an avid athlete and started playing tennis, running, biking, hiking, climbing, etc. once released from the hospital and getting her blood levels where they needed to be). She’s in the medical field, and works closely with her own doctor to monitor the ‘thinness’ of her blood from home (a rarity, I hear).

While I haven’t had a clot at this point in my life, I do some preventative ‘stuff’ per discussion with my own doctor (daily aspirin, moving about rather than sitting idle with my legs crossed, leg exercises while flying, etc.).

I certainly don’t feel that a DVT is a ‘death sentence’ to your riding. You certainly do need to weigh the risks because a fall could be life altering if you’re on coumadin.

Hey - glfprncs -
is it Factor V Leiden? That’s what I have.
3 sister - one is fine, one with 1 bad copy of the
gene, one with 2 (me). Both of my sisters (who are
older) have not had clots and are not on coumadin.
I won that lottery.
I, too, have a home meter. They are becoming more
common as younger folks have to be on long term
coumadin. They figure it will save in the long term.
It is so much easier for me. All I do is prick my finger
and email the results. Instead of monthly hospital
visits, it is now every 3 months to calibrate my machine.

Hey, Hoof, how are you coping with it? What’s wrong? Is it giving you trouble?

Hoof123, we’ve moved your thread over here to our Equestrians with Disabilities forum, which is intended to cover medical/riding issues. We’ve also tweaked your title to give folks a better idea of what you’re looking to discuss.

Mod 1

Issues with blood clots, etc

I had several pulmonary emboli 20+ yrs ago, before finally being diagnosed with Lupus Anti-Phospholipid (or lupus anti-coagulant disorder) and started on coumadin for life. I developed a DVT in back of leg while on coumadin 7 yrs ago (now on higher levels of coumadin). I have ridden through the entire pot-hole littered road trip of dealing with lupus and clots. Horse contact has kept my sane! I wear my helmet ALWAYS, and try not to take unsensible chances. I now ride a shorter, steadier horse (Haflinger), and hope to keep riding and driving for many more years. I have problems explaining the sometimes huge bruises I get from doing everyday things…that is more of a bother than worrying about clots…as another poster said…what will be, will be.


I drive and have had blood clots in my lungs twice… I am now on Coumadin for ever. It is a management issue makeing sure to have blood tested once a month.

Biggest thing is that people know you are on a blood thinner. So if you do get hurt they know…


I had a saddle embolism blocking both lungs about 3 1/2 years ago. I had a huge DVT that had been throwing off bits and smaller clots for a while. The DVT did not present in a typical way so it was undetected until I ended up in the ER. I was extremely fortunate to survive the PE. Turns out I have Factor V Leiden (heterozygous). Since my initial event was such a whopper, I am on coumadin for life. I have always worn a helmet, no longer jump, and only ride my own horses. I don’t go looking for trouble either…