IT band and knee pain

Hi there, I am 61, and thankfully have never had any chronic pain issues. About a month ago, my knee hurt really bad. Sitting made it worse, bending it too tightly is bad…I work out at the gym and my trainer supposed it is my IT band. They are always really tight, but have not been debilitating in any way before now…

Also on the back of my leg above and below the knee there is pain…

It’s weird too, because it will be bad, then pretty much go away…I cannot pin point any one activity that causes it to get worse…

Riding is ok if it isn’t bothering me to begin with that day, I just start with longer stirrups for the flat work…

Anyway, thanks for any and all advice you may have…

A foam roller can help a lot with it band problems. I was out for a while last spring with micro tears in my quads…pt said the back of my legs and hamstrings were weak making the front of my leg work harder…seems like most of us have IT band issues… Massage and the foam roller can really help. Check out you tube on how to use the foam roller

I bet it’s ITBS too, maybe tendinitis too from what you’re saying. I had very similar symptoms in college. You can look up “runner’s knee” for ideas on at home treatments- foam roller, careful stretching of the hip flexors, making sure your shoes properly support your joints, etc. But really every time I got Patellar Tendinitis (which ignoring tight IT bands brings on for me) I’ve needed to go in for 6-8 weeks of PT for e-stem and massage therapy as well as directed exercises. I’ve never had pushback from an osteo or even general practitioner for a referral, or from my insurance.
If you have an office job you might want to look at what chair you sit in, I switched to a stability ball and that helps me.

Foam roller and lots of stretches. I find that stretching in a warm pool really helps. My gym has a therapy pool which is great for stretching without overdoing it.