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It Is Cold-Ideas For Clothes

Riding Skirt: Check out Rabbit Run Repairs on Facebook. Mine arrives in 10 days, at which point I fully expect the cold to be gone

I’m happy to report that because of this thread, last week I bought Thermasilk glove liners, neoprene toe warmers (they really work!), and merino socks–and this week the weather will be in the 50s! Quick everybody, buy all the winter gear so you can bring on the good weather too! :rofl:


I bought Darn Tough merino wool knee high socks and wore them this morning for a snowy ride. I love their hiking socks but was worried how the knee high ski socks would do under riding boots. They were fantastic, which makes me so happy!

But, this morning also convinced me to get to e warmers and winter riding gloves. So @Libby2563, I am doing my part to bring on spring!


It’s like a reverse of the snow dance we did when I was a kid! :joy:

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