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It Is Cold-Ideas For Clothes

Since it’s still cold I’d like to share that I think the Horze Grand Prix Thermal breeches are the bomb: well-made, don’t pick up dust or hair, with a kind of flocked lining that gives almost the same insulation as a thick breech+base layer combo. They feel like normal breeches, which is so nice at this time of year!

The Mountain Horse winter breeches are super if you’re hacking out. I just wear a base layer underneath and winter paddock boots. They are bulky for schooling.

I have a headband especially for riding that covers my ears and the base of my neck in fleece and is just a thin elastic tape under my helmet. Makes a big difference and would be easy to make!


Ever since contracting Lyme about 5 years ago, it is like my body forgot how to regulate in the cold. It gets worse every year :frowning: New this year, the 2nd & 3rd toes on my left foot turn purple even wearing good boots, socks, & toe warmers. After hating every minute of riding November & December of 2019, I made the decision to stop riding in winter altogether. Until I can move someplace warm!

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I’m a big believer in wearing:

  1. Thin silk long underwear. Feels great against your skin and it’s not bulky.
  2. Layers - silk under wear under a thin sweater, and a goose down jacket.
  3. Alpaca socks
  4. Genuine sheepskin insoles
  5. AND, every person who rides or goes to the barn should have a goose down skirt. I wear mine every single day and you can ride in it too. Lots of zippers and pockets. The brand is 32 Degrees Heat. I’m 5’5" 140 lbs and a Large gives me plenty of wiggle room over jeans or breeches. Your thighs stay warm and lots to be said about that.

Come to FL!

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I like my Alpaca hats for the coldest days! They are warmer than the wool.


That’s the eventual plan. Or possibly the Virgin Islands or Bahamas!

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Ooooo! The Virgin Islands look fantastic

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Mmmmmm - I need an alpaca hat! And a trip to an island with blue water and flourescent fish! We’re 8 inch of snow here and about to get another dump. Eeeek.

My profile picture is my one and only ever beach gallop and OH what a memory. South of Cancun!


@Natalie_A I’m tellin ya with the 32 Degrees Heat goose down skirt people think you have on a coat. The beauty of it is you can zip up the side zippers and turn it and ride in it.

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I have the Smartpak Hadley trainer’s coat, which is long and down. It is extremely warm, I normally have to take it off after warming up down until about 25. I’ve ridden in it down to 0 degrees and stayed warm.

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I recently purchased the Cavallo down riding jacket on sale. I love it so much I haven’t ridden in it yet but I purchased it to ride in. It seems to fit quite well when I’m in a riding position. Soon, it will make it out to the barn.

If you’re looking for long jackets/riding wear in very cold weather, go with @PaddockWood 's suggestions. Those are GREAT in super-cold weather.

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Remember those As Seen On TV full body Snuggy things? The ones that look like kids’ union suit PJs? I think I need a goose down one of those! :joy:

Eta- at this point, I’ve given up & accepted that I need to dress like I wandered out of Macklemore’s ‘Thriftstore’ video just to stand there & watch my kid ride.


I HAVE ridden like I wandered out of a thrift store because I have done just that. Layers. Smart layers. None of this is rocket science.


Maybe something like this? Or Google wearable sleeping bag. “Amazon.com : ODSE Honcho Poncho Wearable Hoodie Blanket - Multi-Use Premium Camping Sleeping Bag Winter Outdoor Cloak Cape, Extreme Weather Warm/Windproof Hooded Blanket with Stuff Sack : Sports & Outdoors” https://www.amazon.com/ODSE-Honcho-Poncho-Wearable-Blanket/dp/B07ZWYSDWZ/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?adgrpid=58883930827&dchild=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA65iBBhB-EiwAW253W4vBp5qTitYJDGj6FtdmSvIFxLTvK4drDsJ_SSktwG3Deqc0PVpdGRoCEOsQAvD_BwE&hvadid=274715390387&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9029605&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=10108078241385080264&hvtargid=kwd-3514654605&hydadcr=9850_9890112&keywords=wearable+sleeping+bag&qid=1613195752&sr=8-8&tag=hydsma-20

I agree it’s not rocket science. Just have the added complication of some funky, cold-triggered auto-immune symptoms that get worse every year, unfortunately.

Ooooh, I like that! Eddie bauer advertised something similar (more like a zip up overall suit) but seems like there was some supply chain issue & they never got it. :confused:

Let me re-write this for you, "When I dress to watch my kid ride, I get a little chafed that Macklemore stole my style for ‘Thriftstore.’

There. Much more positive spin on dressing to survive this BS weather :slight_smile:

Yours truly rockin’ the mismatched layers,



Yaaaaassss!! They have yet to truly pull off my signature look: The "I Stole the Technicolor Dreamcoat from the Off-Off-Broadway Production I was in & threw this muddy horse blanket on over it. Yes, this is whiskey. At 4:30pm. It is warming. It’s in my hunting flask. That makes it classy. Didn’t you ever see the episode of Brideshead Revisited where Sebastian rides over to the pub because he didn’t feel like hunting?? " :joy:

A few of my coworkers used to be in a really good all-female Bluegrass band. One evening at an after-work party, we were all jamming & they somehow ended up rolling out an impromptu bluegrass cover of Thriftstore with just an acoustic bass, a mandolin, and a banjo. I was sad they couldn’t record it or play it at gigs due to copyright. It was so good!


I just bought a pair of Back on Track socks as nothing seems to help my feet or hands. I do believe they are working better than anything else I’ve tried so far; I wear them under wool socks as liners.


I’ll have to take a look!