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It might be a Problem

You said it. All that palaver (hereafter “the article” lol) took the focus off the fact that the government and the CDC are the new kids on the block and they run the show. And their show will continue to run as long as we sometime (and now wannabe) players let them fence us off the field.
Talk about herd immunity! We are fast becoming immune to our own hard-won liberties.
Devon is a proud old institution.
Can today’s Pennsylvanians (and fellow Americans, et al.) say the same of ourselves?



Congratulations for joining the Moderator team!!!

Otherwise please stop to tell me what to do… Both of us have the same rights to express their opinion…


That was in the “before” time, when science was done by people who dealt in research, facts, repeatability of results, and all that stuff.


The new protocols were announced on April 22, as you noted, to go into effect on May 3. Devon announced its cancellation on April 10.

USEF did announce at some point before April 22 (and possibly before April 10) that they were working on changing the protocols, so maybe that’s what they were referring to.

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Judging from your response. I think you do not understand what @soloudinhere wrote.


That’s funny there seem to be a lot of misunderstandings in the moment… I didn’t think @soloudinhere understood what I wrote….

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Generally, if you find that nobody understands what you are saying, the problem is not the other people, but instead the way you communicate.

If you persistently have the same problem with other people, the problem is you.


WEC statement re: “Devon” concept show https://worldequestriancenter.com/approval-timeline-derails-devon-concept-show-plan/

And I would not be at all surprised if part of the issue between USEF and WEC is hard feelings over the power play WEC tried IRT HITS dates here in Ocala. Based on my experience here in Ocala, Roberts gets pretty much everything he wants - zoning, etc etc- from the local government PTB. That was not the case with USEF.

Just saw this on FB: https://horsesport.com/due-south/wec-switches-nsba-licensed-shows-rest-2021/?fbclid=IwAR24GfWBf0ZpMgOwsZoe5WhiMQ1ZHstlWXiDN-dlRxgobIC8fpqs438qPEQ

By the time you tack those letters onto your last name at every opportunity and in every context, however, you clearly aren’t playing by any rules of academia or modesty.

Signed, mvp. (Yeah, I have a PhD in a field that’s irrelevant to horses about 99% of the time, so it’s not necessary for y’all to know about it).

PS-- I don’t think the application of game theory to this situation (and also having to dumb it down, plus offer her lay-readers a tutorial before she can start at all) was helpful. Other than that you have to have stuff to publish in your magazine, what write the article?

PPS-- But plenty of the other comments in this thread also reveal the miasma of sexism that allows creeps into criticism of Piper Klemm. It’s hard to parse out where she’s legitimately uppity from where she’s uppity for being a woman.


This reminds me of the “horse massage therapist” who set himself up as such after certifying himself from reading a book on horse massage. No formal coursework, theory, or lab practicals, just a book, which IIRC was written by another person with the same sort of self-styled “credentials.” I was appalled, and unlike several of my friends, I never let him lay a hand on my horse.

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Oh I’d be just as cranky about an off piste mansplainer online flashing his letters at us. I too have a PhD but I am only Doctor at work.

The academic work taught me how to research and process information so I am good at getting up to speed to a certain level on a topic. But I also know how much work it took to become expert in my slice of my field, and it’s just not possible ad hoc. So all my horse opinions are just as an informed amateur.

I’d be more interested perhaps if Dr Klemm used her chem background to pivot into talking about horse products, maybe nutrition, etc.


My dad used to say, only partially in jest, that I should combine horses and chemistry and come up with a fly spray that actually works. That would probably require a degree from Hogwarts.

Another person who doesn’t use their academic titles outside academia


After rereading some of the posts here, and their linked articles, I have just a few questions:

  1. Is there a National Pelham Bit Association?
  2. If there is, is it affiliated with/a subsidiary of The National Curb Bit Association?
  3. If there is a Liverpool Bit Association, is it local to Liverpool only? Or is it national or international?
  4. Does The National Snaffle Bit Association have chapters for French Link, Full Cheek, Eggbutt, and other types of snaffle bits? Does the national HQ recognize or not recognize the National Tom Thumb Bit Association?


Kind of fits the subject although it’s H/J orientated ….


Very interesting! I am so glad USDF looks at your actual SCORES rather than all that foolishness to recognize champions. No wonder the H/J world is up in arms!

Love this article. Well written and down to earth. So much better than the article that prompted this thread.


And the next one……. IMO it s possible to get the overall picture if you put all the info together… But I am aware that nobody wants to know the truth….

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