Jane Savoie Clinic at GoodNess Ridge Farm Mt Airy, MD March 9 & 10, 2013

Jane Savoie will teach 6 riders over two days with one rider from each of these levels: Training, First, Second, Third/Fourth, PSG/I-1 and Grand Prix. Since there are only six rider spots, please go to http://www.goodnessridge.com/2012/12/rider-applications-due-january-31-reserve-and-pay-for-your-auditing-spot-with-paypal/ to download a Rider Application to be considered or for other clinic information. Auditing spots will be unlimited. Rider determinations will be made by January 31, 2013.

Auditing will be $30/day or $50/weekend if paid in advance by March 6, 2013. Auditing fees are $35 each day if you want to pay at the door. Potomac Valley Dressage Association (PVDA) GMO members who show proof of their 2013 membership will get an additional $5 rebate of their auditing fees.

Up to two USDF University Credit Hours may be earned at this clinic. the course number is #102195. http://www.usdf.org/calendar/course.asp?CoursePass=102195

Hope to see you at this great clinic in March!