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Jeffrey Epstein

Uncanny Beezie took on her 1st non-Wexner-owned Olympic hopeful horse in ages right as the Epstein thing started coming out.


The article in the NY Times today shows an aerial picture of Jeffrey’s house basically on Wexner’s horse property. Jeffrey and Leslie seemed to be very close for a very long time. Must have a lot in common.




This is something I’ve been following since I live in Ohio. If Les Wexner goes down with Jeffrey Epstein, it could potentially affect Beezie.

Wexner and Epstein were very close for many years, from the mid-1980’s to 2008 when Wexner cut ties with him. The NYT article linked above talks about how Epstein managed all of Wexner’s finances. He had full power of attorney. He was at all of Wexner’s parties, and he sat on the board of many of his foundations. Wexner gave him a multimillion dollar house in NYC, a private plane, and a mansion next door to him in Ohio.

There are lots of articles out there talking about how strange their relationship was, with Wexner giving Epstein so much financial control (and so much $$ etc). People wonder if there was blackmail involved, or more to their relationship than meets the eye.

In case you’re thinking, “That’s just Les Wexner, I’m sure Abigail wasn’t involved . . . ” there was a weird financial transaction right before Epstein went to prison in 2008. From https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-07-17/more-questions-about-how-jeffrey-epstein-got-island-owning-rich:
Abigail set up a new trust fund right after Epstein’s plea deal in December 2007, when very few people knew about the plea deal. A month later Epstein transferred $46 million to it. One of the conditions was that the fund had to account for Epstein’s money “separately on its books and records.”

Three years later when Epstein was out of prison, the fund shut down, and the money was folded into another of Wexner’s foundations, the Wexner Family Charitable Fund.

Why would Abigail Wexner set up a foundation solely to accept money from Epstein? What happened to the money once it was transferred to the Wexner Family Charitable Fund?

There have been all kinds of rumors about Wexner over the years, and he and his billions have gotten through just fine. But it’s possible that more might be uncovered about him/Abigail as this plays out . . .

Of course, Beezie will probably be fine. I’m sure plenty of people will want to give her horses to ride!


If someone is charged with sex with minors, obviously that would be a good reason to cut all business ties that involved minors, for instance to take your kids out of sports program associated with that person.

If someone is charged with financial fraud, obviously that would be a good reason to cut all business ties that involve finance, money, etc.

However, if someone is charged with sex with minors, does that mean everyone is obliged to cut all business ties that are purely financial, and do not involve minors? Is this a case of the crime being so horrific, everyone needs to shun that person in every kind of dealing? If so, what other crimes might be considered that horrific? On the other hand, are there crimes that do not reach this level of horror and that would not interrupt the business ties?

For instance: simple drug possession, vehicular manslaughter, domestic assault, uttering threats, tax evasion, cybercrime, cruelty to animals, etc. Say the person was charged but then acquitted on technicalities, so while it was obvious they did the thing, they served no jail time and paid no fine, and continued on being a whizbang financier.

For instance, if the person that ran your mutual trust fund was charged with vehicular manslaughter, would you feel the need to change brokers? What about if they were charged with domestic assault? What if they were charged with sex with minors? With cruelty to animals?

What if this person was more closely associated with your business dealings? Does that mean you break ties more clearly, or does it make it harder to break ties?

The Epstein charges are very very creepy, not trying to minimize that at all. But what is the cutoff point for severing ties with that kind of person? Obviously he weathered his first round of charges fine, as he clearly stayed in the financial sector as a high level player.

I think what makes all this concerning in the first place, and makes people wonder about anyone who has deep financial ties with him, is how Epstein made his money in the first place, and his “hedge fund manager” status when most people on Wall Street don’t actually know what he does or know anyone who worked with him. His money management firm generates no records. During his prior plea deal, he was unable to produce any kind of verified financial records to determine the worth of his company, they basically “negotiated” to a number both parties could agree on. He took ownership of a manhattan mansion in the nineties, but there were no public records on its transfer until almost twenty years later, when a Wexner owned company transferred ownership of it to Epstein for $0.

So, I think all the concern here is not so much about people using professional services from someone with personal failings, as much as it is there’s a huge miasma of shady dealings around this guy and Wexner’s support of him/financial partnership makes no sense if we’re just talking about a financial services company. Would you hand over $1Billion to a guy who had only been a day trader for a few years?


This is straying from the ‘horse related’ requirements of the thread, but the OP - first time poster - has defiintely achieved her/his goal of riling up the salacious minded and making something of it.

Time to move along onto more healthy subjects…

Exactly. Epstein was NOT a hedge fund guy, or a real money manager.

Wexner did give him power of attorney, and clearly signed over SIGNIFICANT assets throughout the 90’s. The mansion in NYC, a Boeing 727… and a sweetheart deal in terms of a repurchase of a luxury home in Columbus, OH at well above market value.

As for Mrs. Wexner… who is the real person of interest given her status as a major sponsor of Beezie Madden… there are some curious transfers of north of $40 million between various Wexner charities in 2008 (after Epstein’s also in the wrist in Florida). Her name is associated with one of these entities. It sure looks like some sort of money laundering/tax dodging sort of activity.

If Beezie is in the process of moving forward, and finding new sponsors… good for her! This whole mess involving Epstein has evolved over years and years… and he’s eluded charges so far and managed to pass himself off as a real financial guy. He’s not a real money manager though… he’s a con man at best… likely a blackmailer as well. Beezie is separated by multiple degrees from this seedy connection to the Wexner fortune. And she’s hardly a Wall Street expert, etc. So it seems unfair to tie her to something this unfortunate… given that authorities failed to figure out how to prosecute this guy for years on end. Just applaud her for severing ties now… and hopefully there will be a press release soon about a new sponsor, etc.


OK, so he’s a shady financial guy. But there are a lot of them around. Hey, they authorities actually shut down the entire penny/venture capital stock market in our city in the 1990s because the whole thing was based on fraud (mostly mining pump and dump).

I thought the original point of the OP was Epstein and child sex charges, that’s what’s put him in the news lately.

Beezie will always have horses to ride, but still a sponsor who is as generous as Abigail Wexner has been over the years is not easy to replace either, that is a big loss.


Well, yes , for most people it is appropriate to “shun” engaging in business with pedophiles.:eek:


Shady financial guy + sex charges with minors + trafficking children… yep, not someone to be associated with. And this has been going on for OVER A DECADE. His behavior is nothing new - the only new is they were finally able to find a way to press charges after the sweetheart deal fiasco.


When I heard about the connection between Wexner and Epstein, I wondered about any connection to Abigail Wexner and her horse shows. This may be a stretch but If as noted above, Epstein had access to Wexner’s horse properties and perhaps even the horse show community why could there not be a connection to the young population of the horse show community? Kinda like letting the fox into the chicken house idea. I truly hope not.

I realize this is pure speculation and only my opinion but …


lets see how many times LW’s name is on the flight logs to Epsteins castle of horrors in he Caribbean. There is a former Prez of US who’s name is logged many times on those flights to and from the island which was known, not for being Epsteins home, but being the island of underage child trafficking for their personal use.

Keep sticking your head in the sand and living with blinders on. This isn’t a “yawn” topic. But a very serious one.

There is history with Epstein sexually assaulting someone on Wexner property; there is history here. And many more will be ousted in the US government if people actually start talking in in the case. Does anyone really believe that Wexners knew nothing about these dirty little secrets? Surely they are not the only ones in the horse world who were potentially intertwined in these dealings.

You can do anything with money, and almost get away with it. The inner circle of the upper echelon of wealth is all intertwined. We live in a sick, sick world.


didn’t Epstein have inner working business deals going on in the WEF community? this would mean, he certainly had access to the horse show community and many young riders

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There is literally zero evidence of him even being a “shady” financial guy. People on Wall Street have been interviewed and quoted in many different articles… Epstein simply wasn’t a Wall Street guy. He worked for Bear Sterns briefly in the early 80’s and left… or was asked to leave. It’s still unclear. But it is clear he was not legitimate.

The only billionaire client he had for whom he supposedly performed “money management services” was Les Wexner. But no one seems to know what these services were. They do know that Wexner signed over control of his fortune, and essentially gifted properties worth millions to Epstein.

And Abigail was still tied to Epstein financially by virtue of a “charitable trust” involving millions with her name on it as late as 2008. Well after it was widely known that the man was a pedophile. Epstein is linked to a number of odd shell companies in the Virgin Islands and trusts that all are obviously some sort of money laundering operation.

As for him potentially abusing minors at horse shows… it’s possible. But it is apparent from reports he preyed on vulnerable minors who were not financially well off, and there now are multiple reports indicating that he was running some sort of international human trafficking operation, specifically involving sexual exploitation of young teens from Eastern European countries.

The Wexners obviously knew Epstein was not legitimate ages ago. The sport is better off without sponsors like this.


It came out today Epstein was trying to develop his own super human race on his ranch in NM, at least that was the plan, with his seed and 20 approved engineered women. Can’t make this stuff up.


I am not sure how much this plays in or how involved they are with the horse show scene, but the Lindemann family was listed in his little black book. That was never really brought up in news at all, because of the other bigger names in there. (note: not George Jr but George Sr and his wife).

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The names of the scientists he arranged around himself are pretty eyebrow raising. But I guess when you give that many research dollars, people put up with all kinds of crazy.

I do have to wonder why he thinks his genes are so superior, LOL… there’s absolutely nothing about that guy that says “genetic survival advantage” - turn him loose in the wilderness and I think he’d last about an hour, maybe.