jewelry around horses... what holds up best?

Ok, Everyone here knows by now that I don’t ride, I only volunteer.

But the Great Warrior Volunteer does not wear Any jewerly when she is working an event.

Not even my band! I’ve had That 27 years, not going to risk it Now! Nothing except a watch, on my left wrist, which I need. And it’s a Cheap watch at that.

One less thing to get lost, misplaced, crushed or smashed!

And from hard experience, I’ve learned to wear Nothing, absolutely Nothing around my neck!! The only time I did was in Winnipeg, for the Pam-American Games. You Had to wear your cards and ribbons all the time, or the Mounties would nab you.

Hope this helps,

I have a platinum engagement ring and it seems to be holding up really well. If I’m doing something rather dirty or damaging I try to put on gloves, but most times my ring is nekkid. I haven’t noticed any horrible damage. It got a bit scratched but it adds character. I am going to take it in once a year to do a thourough cleaning and buffing though, to keep it healthy.

“Friends don’t let friends reply to all”

You know what, that is actually a huge misconception (I was guilty of thinking it, too): artienallie stated that white gold was way cheaper than platinum but that is actually not true. We priced my ring in both platinum and white gold (thinking white gold might scratch less) and teh difference was only in the hundreds of dollars. Not a big chunck of change when you are shelling out $10,000 or so for something you will keep for the rest of your life.


Mr. Batgirl and I are getting new wedding bands that are made out of titanium!!! Check out

I never wear my diamond ring to the barn, though. It gets dirty too easily, and I won’t ride with rings on.

“Both rider and horse must enjoy the work. This is the essence of success” - Reiner Klimke

What’s a bezel setting? Just curious - read your part about lower settings and am interested.

I can’t believe RolexH hasn’t commented - she has a beautiful ring. I just remember her saying before she got engaged, “I want one REALLY tall. What happens if it catches on things? I’ll say, ‘Oh, excuse me - I’m SO sorry my HUGE ring got caught on your sweater.’”

LOL What a goofball. Now that there’a a potentail Mr. Chick I completely understand.


So tell me again how the 40 Hour Standard was created? I think my boss was busy…


I don’t wear my wedding band or engagement ring nor does my husband. I 'm not comfortable with a ring on for any length of time. If the commitment is not in the heart thennnnnnnnn.

I heard someone had a ‘‘digit’’ kicked off at Harrisburg I wonder if they were wearing a ring?

p.s. This was in response to kt, not Murdoch. I have lots of friends who take off their wedding ring simply b/c it “bugs” them (including my husband when he plays golf)!

Commodore…like I said, just my opinion. It doesn’t take that long to take off my jewelry. I’d much rather do that than lose a finger, so don’t come crying here if it happens to you

And no I don’t wear a safety vest, but even if I did, so what big deal? (I assume you are joking here). I use common sense in the barn, I don’t wear jewelry around the horses, and I wear a helmet, but I am not some safety freak. Also like I said, freak accidents happen at the most unlikely times and in the most unlikely ways. Life is short, but it’s so easy to help prevent that type of accident.

The hardest to learn was the least complicated.

I’ve known three people who have suffered badly broken (and one nearly detached) fingers when their engagement rings caught on something while they were riding or working with their horses. Consequently I never wear my engagement ring to the barn. My wedding ring is a lovely “eternity ring” with channel set diamonds going all the way around the band. Nothing sticks out, it never catches on anything and I never take it off. That might be another option to consider.

this thread caught my eye I always wore the pearls my Mom and Dad created year by year with the aid of a Manhattan jeweler (Bathmans I think) they did so for all their daughters. A couple of years ago the strand broke in a indoor arena and I can’t tell you how sick I felt, searching for them in the footing! At the end of the day, when I had them restrung we were missing less than a half inch. Funny thing is, the first time they were strung the “line”? lasted 30 years; the second time after the indoor debacle, the “line” lasted less than a year but mercifully broke while sleeping! Haven’t had them restrung yet…