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Jill Burnell - Gray Fox Farm (CA) update

Gee, thanks for the compliment Toadie’s mom. Nicest thing I’ve been called in just ages.

Bless your little heart if you think that was a blast based on my comments on the original information provided.

Gee, thanks for the compliment Toadie’s mom. Nicest thing I’ve been called in just ages.

Bless your little heart if you think that was a blast based on my comments on the original information provided.[/QUOTE]
Wait just a minute. I didn’t call you a name, but I did think your reply on my post was a little harsh.

I didn’t read any insult by toadies mom

Nor I :frowning:

In 2014, Gray Fox Farm (an inactive member of USEF) was ranked #7 in the USEF “Leading Hunter Breeding Breeder” rankings. The list has over 112 names.

I wonder how those who were ranked #8 on down feel being ranked lower
than a breeder of the caliber of Ms. Burnell.

The system is SICK and needs to be cleaned up.

I have no words. Wonder if the prosecution regrets dropping all those charges and allowing the plea bargain?

Hopefully karma/fate will catch up with her and she’ll violate her probation and really face her consequences. Won’t hold my breath tho, it’s this type of nasty person who gets away with the atrocities she seems to have.

Sad for any living creature in her breathing space.

Anyone ever discover what happened to Romantic Star? He is the downed stallion in the picture on that article.

I too have been wondering what happened to Romantic Star!

I can NOT believe that she is allowed to have horses. And for Red Wine to leave Canada and come back to her. WTF… I mean really the USEF is all over other people for such lesser things . But yet this Beast gets to continue breeding . I mean Really . where is the justice here. and for the peace of the animals. WHY allow her to own or have control of any. I guess it is in all who you know . Just saying . A Bunch of BS … and sad day for the Hunter Breeding World… SMDH …


New update http://www.ratemyhorsepro.com/news/judge-dismisses-jill-burnell-suit-against-local-humane-society.aspx

I just looked Close at the Picture of the horses in mud. Is the one lying Romantic star ? And what is that in the middle of the Picture ? His frontleg in a weird ankle. Is that leg still alright ???

I just looked Close at the Picture of the horses in mud. Is the one lying Romantic star ? And what is that in the middle of the Picture ? His frontleg in a weird ankle. Is that leg still alright ???[/QUOTE]

It’s Romantic Star on the ground and Aloha standing over him. I believe RS’ most serious injury was a broken jaw, poor sweetheart.

Does anyone know where Romantic Star is?