Jingles for a Good Old Dog

Jingling for the best outcome for Raven

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Sending lots of jingles for Raven!

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Jingling like mad for a grand old gal!
:heart::heart::heart:Raven :heart::heart::heart:

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Jingles and hugs for all of you. It sounds like Raven is ready to go see Dad on the other side. Blessings for a peaceful journey.

But I do know what you mean about losing the last of your dad. When my mom put her old horse down, my childhood was finally over. Holding your hand from here.

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Jingles for Raven.

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Update: she’s doing considerably better this evening. :muscle:


Such great news! I’m so glad she pulled through. Amazing!

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Jingling for Raven.

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Raven has rallied. Eating, getting up and around, back to herself. A much faster recovery than expected.

Good news all around. :clap:
Thanks for the jingles!


That’s great news!

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Good job Raven! :blush:

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So happy to stand corrected! Apologies, Raven! Kick on!

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You and me both! :joy:

Update in OP. :broken_heart:


Run free over rainbow bridge, sweet Raven. We lost our old gal of 14 years this February and god it’s so hard. One thing I did that really helped was buy a digital photo frame and load it up with lots of pictures of good times… many including her.

I bet she’s getting lots of good girl pats in heaven. Wishing you strength and healing.


I’m so sorry!

Sleep well, good dog.


I’m sorry😢
She had a long, happy life, and that is all that matters, in the end.


Also late with my sympathy for the loss of a Very Excellent Dog.
Godspeed, Raven.

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