ETA: Very sad to update this with the news that Raven is gone. She collapsed quite suddenly this morning and was clearly in pain. The vet came out and put her down. She had an 18th birthday party last month on my Dad’s birthday, with ice cream with a carrot on top! (We don’t really know how old she was or her bday, but that seemed about right.) Farewell sweet Raven. Rest easy, good girl.
Got a message today that my Dad’s dog is down. She asked to go out about 2 this morning and then didn’t want back in. The weather was mild, so the folks who have her let her be in a safe spot in the yard. She is refusing water and food and won’t rise.
I’m heartbroken. My dad had this dog for many many years. She lived with him at his rural property. When he moved to assisted living, she went too and adjusted spectacularly well. He moved to another facility and she went again and did well, even though the set up was not as good for her (but better for my dad). There, she got her first bubble bath since the Clinton administration and was a fluffy waggy happy girl about it.
When my dad passed away last fall, she was right next to him. While I waited for the funeral home people to come, she waited too and said her dog farewells to him, nudging his hand for pets.
Some dear friends took her in right away (I would have loved to take her but getting her across the country was going to be really difficult with her history of carsickness). These folks had visited almost every day and walked her for my dad. They took wonderful care of her and she bonded with one of their dogs, had a nice green yard again, and lots of attention. We took her in for a check up last fall and the vet said just keep on keeping on. Her bloodwork was quite good and she had been on some meds for arthritis for some time, which we continued. It really was the softest possible landing and I’m beyond grateful to them for stepping up.
Not sure how old she is. 17? Maybe 18? She has always been such a good girl. Sweet, kind, wicked smart. In her young days, a relentless tennis partner (Dad played fetch with her using a racket). She would bring bring him apples from his yard, carrying them into the house and setting it at his feet while he watched TV. One time, he had misplaced a yard tool–a rake or maybe a pitchfork?–and he couldn’t find it anywhere. Months later, here came Raven, dragging it by the handle and presented it to him. Just the best dog.
But she’s telling us all that she’s done. Today will be her last day. She has done everything she was ever asked to do and more.
It really hurts. I feel like losing her is losing the last part of my dad. Now, I can only hope that her final time with us is easy. She earned it. Jingles for a gentle end are much appreciated.
A few days ago, walking with her crew.
In her prime.
Thank you Raven. You were beloved and will never be forgotten.