Jnr Farm, Endicott, NY

the Houseguests have arrived.

Is it too early for popcorn?

Did you notice this thread is now approaching 3 years old?
If you want to be taken seriously you might try phrasing your posts in more than the one runon sentence above.
Or did you intend for it to give the impression of righteous rage & flying spittle?
Spellcheck can also be your friend.


the Houseguests have arrived.<br>
Is it too early for popcorn?<br>
Did you notice this thread is now approaching 3 years old?<br>
If you want to be taken seriously you might try phrasing your posts in more than the one runon sentence above.<br>
Or did you intend for it to give the impression of righteous rage & flying spittle?<br>
Spellcheck can also be your friend.<br>

the Houseguests have arrived.

Is it too early for popcorn?

Did you notice this thread is now approaching 3 years old?
If you want to be taken seriously you might try phrasing your posts in more than the one runon sentence above.
Or did you intend for it to give the impression of righteous rage & flying spittle?
Spellcheck can also be your friend.[/QUOTE]

Now, don’t go and ruin our trainwreck, some of us are snowed in!!!

Will share this info with friends I have in that area who are horse people.
Interesting which accusations the houseguest chose to address and which he left standing…

first chance you may have been here once but i love how you informed people that you drove by many times and seen different horses in the pastures cause the only pasture you can see from the road is a 3 acre paddock and our beef cow pasture so i thought i would just clear that up our farm is behind trees you cant see from the roadas it sets way back in so maybe you were not even here at all

When I see ads for free horses, or giveaway to a good home horses, I think of people like him. And I think…

“When will they learn? When will they ever learn?”

Yes, I’ve been there once… because once was enough. I grew up in that area and spent most of my life with the local horse people. Don’t worry… your reputation precedes you. As clear by the other posts on this thread. I won’t lose any sleep over what I said. I know people that have been to your barn many more times than once. I know people who used to board there. Key words… used to.

I shared this info on my Facebook page to all my horse friends in the Southern Tier, Syracuse, Rochester and all points in between.
Thanks for the heads up.

1 Like

the Houseguests have arrived.

Is it too early for popcorn?

Did you notice this thread is now approaching 3 years old?
If you want to be taken seriously you might try phrasing your posts in more than the one runon sentence above.
Or did you intend for it to give the impression of righteous rage & flying spittle?
Spellcheck can also be your friend.[/QUOTE]

Umm, the post to which he appears to be responding is 2015.

Im glad I went with my gut on this one.
JNR, what were your plans for my 17 hand clyde cross as a pasture pet? The meat truck??

Umm, the post to which he appears to be responding is 2015.[/QUOTE]
This is true. The point should have been more that the post they are responding to was posted over two weeks prior and the thread was way down the list to the point of no one bothering with it. Bumping it up only gets more eyes on it. Not always a good thing for the one doing the bumping in an attempt to make a point.

I’ve Been Had

I never used a forum before, but this thread compelled me to figure it out.

In August of 2015, Rob Allen, a.k.a Finch responded to my ad looking for a good home for my horse who could no longer be ridden. I got the same response word for word many have posted here. {Rob, if you are reading this, you should pride yourself in your consistency and your skill for deceiving people.} My daughter and I dropped the horse off at his place. It was a beautiful farm with many animals around and Rob appeared to be an animal lover, gathering up several kittens so they wouldn’t get run over as we pulled out. Don’t be fooled, the man has no conscience. I consider myself lucky he sold my horse to someone else and he did not go to slaughter.

My purpose for posting is to let people know he is still at his game of deception and please beware.

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first of all i text you pictures of the horses i sold you your husband came here was here talking about the horses took pictures of the horses talk to you on the phone about the horses for over a hr then we loaded them on your trailer and then he paid me for them it is not my falt if your horse got injured on his way home in a small 3 horse slant load trailer not built for drafts your husband could have walked at that time if he didnt like the horses or thought something was wrong but he didnt you contacted me 2 and 1/2 weeks later to say there was something wrong with his eye so why dont you grow up and take responcibility for your actions you now blame me after you had them for 2 weeks and say it is my falt when something could have happened on the trailer have you ever thought of that and his eye was not clouded here at all and you know it so does your husband you just want me to be responcible for something i did not do or have anything to do with it is just easier to bash me on here[/QUOTE]

We would think that a large majority of the public reading your rebuttal, if they would otherwise be unfamiliar with you personally, would agree with your opinion. We would be considered as: “Idiots who do not know anything about equine management and care”

They would also assume that we do not have any experience with drafts, while in truth, we have several drafts of our own, in fact many horses at the farm.

The veterinarian arrived a day or two after the eye injury was first noticed (the injury was noticed upon the horses’ arrival, fyi). Severe scarring was already present, and medically speaking, this level of damage would have been impossible to attain during a 5 hour transport. The vet diagnosed it as a deep stromal ulcer. In the end we were quoted between $2K - $5K for treatment of the horses’ eye injury.

In addition to the injured eye, the team was not in fact a driving team - the two drove independently, at some point or another, before being dumped at an auction or at Finch’s front steps by the Amish.

It is very possible that after Finch acquired the injured horse, he injected a drug or two to make him appear somewhat “normal” and then put it up for sale. It makes complete sense, as banamine IM or even IV, for example, only lasts approximately 5-6 hours, depending on dose and the severity of the health concern at hand.

The next time the vet arrived, she performed a thorough examination of one of the Belgian’s rather “uncoordinated” gait (same horse with eye injury). He appeared to either have a previous back injury, or congenital back problem, or a form of ataxia, or even wobblers syndrome. Something we can test for if we deem it necessary. The horse is currently “retired” until we will decide what his prognosis is for the purposes of training.

When horses appear to have ataxia while walking, it makes hitching impossible and very dangerous, as the horse displays increased sensitivity in its hind quarters.

We asked for photos of both horses from Rob Finch. The only photo he provided were taken from a distance.

After this entire ordeal, we asked for photos again, he failed to provide them.

In addition, the horses were not supplied with a Coggins, nor a vaccination history, which Finch claimed he had.

Rob Finch sold both horses to us for $2,500.00

Frankly speaking, we believe that as a purchaser, we should not “take our chances” on purchasing an animal - sellers should be upfront about possible health concerns and issues with temperament.

Rob Finch is still up to his old tricks it looks like. Still in Endicott scamming people through Facebook and Craigslist of their animals only to resell them days later. Always gives a believable story but turns out to be nothing but lies. He is now flipping birds in mass quantities like the horses as of 2017. Upon inquiring about a bird I had for rehoming, he wanted to trade sight unseen and offered an unbranded (illegal) bird for trade. With promises of providing a good, loving home we agreed thinking it was the best option at the time but have regretted it ever since. We feel terrible because we found out on here and other posts after the fact about his seedy reputation and now fear the fate of our bird we traded him. He seemed very nice, educated in birds and horses, talkative and convincing in person so be careful. Turns out he is amassing well over 30 birds in a short span from various states for the purpose of breeding and selling. From conversation, he probably has double that on his farm which can’t be humane in any way. The bird he traded us was definitely in need of rescue with poor feathering and disheveled. Please be careful. I dont know much about this fellow, but from listening to stories on the internet about him and from our own dealing, he probably is not reputable by any means. His motive seems to be flipping birds and horses for money to make a living. He eagerly awaits online animal postings to lure you into the false promise of a good home. He almost always wants you to call him instead of email probably because he doesn’t want a paper trail for the police if anyone came after him. He is very very convincing and overly eager, showing up on your doorstep in no time at all. It’s like a deal with the devil - take care not to put your animals at risk. He may seem like he has a good farm, but anyone with that many animals couldn’t possibly take their best interests to heart even if their motive was pure.

Wow! It’s YEARS after the original posting and it seems Rob Finch is still up to his disgusting, old tricks! Rob contacted us about a AQHA gelding we had for sale. He offered to trade us a AQHA yearling and some cash for our finished Pleasure horse. He had supposedly sent the yearlings paperwork to AQHA and was waiting for the registration to be returned. For two months every time we inquired as to the Yearlings paperwork, he gave us a story- including his envelope being returned to him because he addressed it incorrectly, then it was he was mailing it next week but after 2 months he stopped communicating with us. And we still had NO papers. We phoned AQHA for them to tell us that Rob Finch had NEVER filed a stallion report on the stallion- NOT IN YEARS! Rob continued to ignore any attempts we made to resolve the situation. Our farm’s attorney’s office finally made contact with Rob Finch about 6 months later. He told them how the horse needed a DNA test and they should contact AQHA to get the forms and additional information. Once again AQHA was contacted and once again AQHA said that Rob Finch nor his husband Jon Allen or anyone else had filed a stallion breeding report for years. Again, Rob was contacted by the lawyer’s office and this time he said he would send the dam’s name and file the breeding report (Oct. 2017). A few weeks passed and AQHA confirmed they had nothing from Rob Finch or Jon Allen, they had NO breeding report or paperwork from them, NONE of any kind, for years. Rob was contacted again. This time he told a story how the mare (dam) had never been transferred from the date he purchased her from Tracie in Michigan and he didn’t have the mare’s papers in front of him and he couldn’t remember the mare’s (dam) name but could spout off about the mare’s pedigree. His story continued with him saying he would promptly get us the mare’s (dam) info “tomorrow when he was home” and within the week he would have the breeding report to AQHA and the foal could be registered. Three months later, Rob has not accepted any phone calls nor has he responded to any emails or regular mail (sent certified). He has failed to file any stallion report with AQHA. He has failed to provide the mare’s (dam) info. Our legal team continues to track his activity including his latest purchase of a new AQHA stallion that he is promoting for breeding (Nov 2017). Since our paths crossed with Rob Finch we have met no less than 3 additional folks all with offspring from Rob’s stallion who are also unable to register their horses because Rob has failed to file the proper paperwork with AQHA. Jon Allen himself has declined any phone calls and has not responded in any way to any communications. Rob is not an ethical business person and not a man of his word. Rob can not be trusted. We do not recommend him for any business whether that’s breeding your horse or buying a horse from him. And now that his horse business is failing due solely to his poor business practices and he’s online selling off the contents of his barn and he’s advertising all sorts of birds (and some dogs too) for sale.This guy is clearly just some common street hustler. Be forewarned to steer clear of Rob Finch. He’s got nothing to offer anyone other than the horse manure coming out of his mouth.


Sad to report that he is still up to his bull! He contacted me when I posted an ISO ad and showed me a lovely OTTB gelding. He had the papers and everything for him, gave me vet and farrier references, and was very open to answering any questions I had. He also said that he would be willing to make a deal involving me selling my current OTTB to him (mine can no longer jump so I’m looking to find him a loving flat home so I can continue jumping). He made up a deal where I would have a 30 day trial money back guarantee after getting Sniper (the OTTB) and he would keep my horse as a trail horse. I stupidly sent him 1,000 as a “down deposit” of sorts before looking into him online. After seeing this post I immediately told him the deal was off and requested my money back. It’s looking like I’m not going to get the 1,000 back as he has gone radio silent and declines any request I make for the money back. Luckily I didn’t send my beautiful horse to his farm, I hope the animals there have better luck. Whatever you do DO NOT DEAL WITH HIM. He is not a good person.

Time to take him to Small Claims Court

Yanno, if you guys would simply take responsibility for retiring or euthanizing your unrideable birds and horses, you wouldn’t be suckered in by low-level horse traders. If the animal has no value to you, and even a negative value to you as a “good horseman” why do you think it will have value to another good horseman? IMO, you are absolutely fooling yourself if you pawn off your worthless horse on someone else.


Hi all just wanted to add to this trash talk about this Rob Finch / Rob Allen / John R Allen
phone number 607-425-9462
539 state route 38b
endicott ny

this guy is now expanding his scams trying to sell gold jewelry on marketplace
wants moneygram or no name cashapp transfers since his paypal is fucked from screwing so many others over…

thankfully he got none of my money

beware at all costs