Jnr Farm, Endicott, NY

Anyone had any experience with this farm?

I’m also looking for information on this farm as well as Rob Finch.

All i can say is he responded to an ad for my horse as a pasture pet. Didnt want to come see him, just wanted him dropped off to live in a field with an older percheron. Thats all i know.

I did not send him there, as he would not provide farrier or veterinary references.

Try contacting Colleen Cheehalk at http://www.borrowedfreedom.org/ - She’s in that neighborhood & may know of the farm.

I have experience with this farm. Use extreme caution. More than one horse has been sent through an auction and subsequently to slaughter - without regard to how or from whom the horse was obtained.

Thank you! You have confirmed what we were afraid of and am happy to report the horse never left home and is still safe as a result.

thank you all ! i almost sent my mare to rob finch ; here is his response to my ad

“from rob (jallen5979@aol.com)phone: 607-425-9462
«i can offer your mare a great home as broodmare forever home have no problem signing contract at all we have 230 acres pasture and very nice barn we feed purina feed and good hay if your interested call»”

thank goodness that there are true horsemen/women who are the guardians of our beloved 4-legged friends & saved my mare from a horrible & premature end !

keep the info flowing !

Thats word for word what I got. It was kinda obvious when he didnt want to come see him, and would not provide refrences. Seems he goes for the big horses :frowning:

Cuz they sell by the pound?

I am also looking for information on a horse that may be at this farm. Does anyone know how to locate a horse that might be there? Feel free to PM me with any information. Many thanks!

[QUOTE=Karen C;6354741]
I am also looking for information on a horse that may be at this farm. Does anyone know how to locate a horse that might be there? Feel free to PM me with any information. Many thanks![/QUOTE]

From the above posts its pretty clear what his interests are in your horse…its not rocket science.

This guy is BAD NEWS!

Hi All,

I am new to these forums, but upon researching this man in reference to the sale of my horse, I came across this particular thread. I realize this is an old thread, but I feel it is only right to notify other horse owners that this man who goes by “Rob Allen” (which is not even his real name; his real name is Rob Finch. Allen is his business partners last name) tried to scam me into selling him my mare for breeding purposes. Rob apparently thought he could get away with giving me a fake name in an effort to stunt my reference checking. He sent me WORD FOR WORD the email that was sent to the other user who posted above. DO NOT GET INVOLVED WITH HIM AT ANY COST, and PLEASE do not allow him to buy or take any of your horses. As soon as I requested references, he was gone. Rob is still actively trying to scam people into letting him take their horses under false pretenses, and thankfully because of this thread I DID NOT allow him to come anywhere NEAR my mare! She now has an excellent home. Just trying to warn other horse owners, and hopefully protect some of the horses out there for sale. Thanks for letting me share.

Yikes - no need at this time, but good to know for the future.

[QUOTE=Karen C;6354741]
I am also looking for information on a horse that may be at this farm. Does anyone know how to locate a horse that might be there? Feel free to PM me with any information. Many thanks![/QUOTE]

Karen C. what horse are you looking for info on? i did have dealings with this guy. a girl had a 12 yr old arab that wasn’t broke and a add was placed for her for sale or trade for a good trail horse. this rob responded to the add with a horse for trade for the mare. that he wanted to use her as a brood mare. said her issues weren’t a problem that she’d only be standing out in the pasture being a mom. he had a QH gelding he wanted to trade for her. we decided it sounded like a decent trade. he told us that the qh had slight arthritis but walked out of it with in a few feet. we took the mare up and seen a horse tied to a wall in a indoor. there was said to be about 32 horses there and some did have foals. I can say that the horses there all looked good. but the one he wanted to trade us had a cloudy eye. he said it was scratch and they’ve been treating it. the horse was very good natured and we left the mare there and took the QH home. He wanted me to bring him back aafter i told him what the vet said about the eye. we refused and told him he can live his days out with us. but i did find out that in less then a week of him having the mare he sent her to the sales. i was ticked when i found that out. but in no way will he ever get the qh back cause he’d prolly only take him to the sale to

i wasn’t able to save the mare but the qh is safe and now living his days with us and is on a suppliment for his arthritis and doing good.

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He is a dealer, buys and sells at New Holland, horses, goats, chickens, cows.

Wish I found out sooner!!!

I unfortunately was scammed by this man as he too, the first time he contacted me, played the exact same story word for word as he wanted a pasture mate for his horse. I would not come down on my price. Then I lowered my price and he contacted me again as wanting a horse for his dad. Never wanted to come see him. His references checked, However we made arrangements to have him picK Cole up on Sunday and he called Saturday and said he would like to come this day and I said call me with a time as I was busy, He never called and just showed up.I was not home and my husband was caught off guard by him arriving.He did not get his contract signed and worse yet accepted a check. I made a photo copy of the check (thankfully) and unfortunately my pup ate the check.I called and left messages several times to get a replacement check and to check on Cole.Finally 3 weeks later I called the police. I did not want the $$ I wanted the horse. I spoke with the judge and I had to follow proper proceedings to repossess the horse.Meanwhile the Police contacted him and told him he had a week to send a certified check and low and behold it was a bad check.The bank confirmed that the previous photocopied one had insufficient funds as well. I was going to repossess the horse and he sold the horse to someone else and I could not take the horse as she sold him to another person.(All within a month’s time)I then received a money order for the horse as I
threatened with criminal proceedings.The woman was very mean to me and asked why I was making a big stink over a backyard horse. I wish I had known about this website sooner.In Susquehanna County Transcript he was charged with writing bad checks to a man named Mark Lockhart for a horse.He would like to press slander charges against me and has threatened me with such,however the Judge,DA, and State police are my witness that these events occurred.I contacted all the local auctions to keep their eyes out for Cole and when I contacted New Holland I was informed that Rob Finch was not allowed at New Holland for writing bad checks. Please Do Not Sell Your Horse to This Man>> Goes by ,Rob Finch/Rob Allen/ John R Allen…

Yes, this “dealer / scammer” IS BAD NEWS

Anyone had any experience with this farm?[/QUOTE]


Rob Finch sold a local stable a mismatched driving pair of Belgians. He promised through texts that there was nothing wrong with them and that they have been driven in the past two months, together. However, upon pickup the operators noticed that one of the horses had a watery/tearing, cloudy eye. The vet saw the horse a day or two after the two were settled in and immediately began treating it.

When asked, Rob Finch never replied to email, texts or facebook messages. :no:

The stable also believes that they are mismatched.

The horses’ eye will not be savable as it has gone too long without treatment.

Rob may not seriously think that his outdated, scamming biz tricks will work in the modern world. This is not year 1930.

There are serious consequences for scamming the public this severely and yes, they are going to do something about it to set an example for anyone who even thinks about selling injured horses to other parties.

Dates horses were picked up (texts to prove it): December 29th, 2015
Dates Finch was informed of the injured eye (texts to prove it): January 3rd, 2015

And no, horse was not injured on the trailer. That injury was treated at the farm for over a month, with vets suggesting scraping of the eye’s surface for over $2,000. The photos Finch provided were from a distance, and never up close.
The team also never driven together.

I went there once. It just didn’t seem quite right. They seem to roll through enough money, but there’s a revolving door for horses. You never seem the same ones in the pasture when you drive by a few times. I never went back or had anything to do with the place.

first of all i text you pictures of the horses i sold you your husband came here was here talking about the horses took pictures of the horses talk to you on the phone about the horses for over a hr then we loaded them on your trailer and then he paid me for them it is not my falt if your horse got injured on his way home in a small 3 horse slant load trailer not built for drafts your husband could have walked at that time if he didnt like the horses or thought something was wrong but he didnt you contacted me 2 and 1/2 weeks later to say there was something wrong with his eye so why dont you grow up and take responcibility for your actions you now blame me after you had them for 2 weeks and say it is my falt when something could have happened on the trailer have you ever thought of that and his eye was not clouded here at all and you know it so does your husband you just want me to be responcible for something i did not do or have anything to do with it is just easier to bash me on here