Jockey Club DNA testing and registration?

Count me as another who’s just so curious what the JC will say and what they might be willing to do here! Wondering if they’ll do “parentage verification” DNA outside of the registration process itself. Really can’t wait to hear how that convo goes and have fingers crossed for you. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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Sooo that was a mixed bag. I just spoke with someone at the Jockey Club and she was helpful … until she wasn’t. Her suggestion was to submit a Live Foal Report because there is a breeding on file for Frost Giant in 2019 - and then put First Cornerstone as the other covering sire. And then they would send me a DNA kit. Sounded pretty straightforward. The conversation went off the rails a bit when she asked for her foaling date and I explained, again, that I have no idea and no way to find out because her breeder/owner passed before she was born and the farm no longer exists. She was also having a very hard time understanding that I am only interested in confirming her parentage via DNA and not registering her.

Anyway, we left it that I will submit the Live Foal Report and at least get the kit in hand. @2bayboys I hope you don’t mind me pulling you into this thread, but I’m wondering how you submitted the DNA testing kit for Nosey without an exact foaling date? The JC rep I spoke with was not pleased with my suggestion that I put in an approximate foaling date. Because they only “register based on accurate information.” To which I said (again) “But I don’t want to register her, I just want to confirm her parentage.” To which she replied, “but that’s what we do, we register horses.” And then both our brains broke and we ended the call with the agreement I would submit the Live Foal Report and go from there. :woman_shrugging:


Can you get in touch with the people who stood Frost Giant, and see if they can at least supply a cover date? They might also have info on if the mare was reported to have settled on that breeding. If you have a cover date at least you can ball park a DOB?

Do you have to pay the registration fee to submit the DNA kit…? :thinking:


Hi there! When I called to request my DNA kit, I told them I had an unknown horse I was trying to identify and I just put in year of birth on the form. That seemed to satisfy them :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Ok thanks! Hmm. That route would only get her matched back to the registry, which would come back as nothing … because I know she’s not registered. :crazy_face:

I’m going to submit the LFR and also try and track down any info about the Frost Giant breeding as Simkie suggested.

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This was the “identify a thoroughbred” kit that’s described here, right?

“For horses born in 2001 or after that are not tattooed or for which tattoo research was unsuccessful, customers may submit a request to the Registry to DNA type the horse for comparison to the DNA types on file for registered Thoroughbreds. There is an $80 fee associated with a request to DNA type a horse. DNA typing is not available for unregistered horses.”

That’s not a “parentage verification” DNA test, that’s a “compare DNA to the existing database” DNA test. That’s why it calls out that IDing unregistered horses is not available…because if a horse hasn’t been registered, it’s DNA won’t be in the database.

I was curious about Nosey in this regard, too–if she’s not been registered (likely!!) she won’t ping with this test. You’re kind of in the same spot as @Inimitable!

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Yes that’s it! Unfortunately there was no match for my filly. And since I have no idea where she came from, other than the auction’s statement that she came in with a trailer load of young TB’s from Kentucky, I’m pretty much at a dead end.

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If it were me, I’d just submit 1/1/19 and send in the DNA kit with the two sires listed. No need to get into semantics with the ladies at the Jockey Club. Hopefully it comes back a match for one of the two stallions!


That’s what I ended up doing. Well, I did 4/14, which is her dam’s DOB. The JC woman said I needed an exact date to send in with the DNA sample, not for the LFR - but the LFR asked for an exact foal date too. We’ll see! At least the ball is rolling!


Yeah, just pick a birthday. :rofl:

If it comes back First Cornerstone, you might need to pick a covering date too. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: