Since it doesn’t affect the horses who are shuttled, it leaves Coolmore, etc. alone. I wouldn’t think that the jockey Club would pick a fight with them, but I also would imagine that there is no jurisdiction.
Does anyone have the numbers for 2018 to see which stallions are actually affected? And are we talking about the whole book- or the number of foals produced? They can breed only 140, correct? And no more than 140 stallion certificates will be issued.
So, if a horse has any fertility problems, their numbers will be substantially affected. Then again, how many of those are actually kept around, and would draw those kind of numbers?
Slightly off topic from this…There was a Northern Dancer son up here who was known for being really sub-fertile. There was also a breeding Vet who was a whiz. The horse was reinforced and then some. I always wondered how carefully they toed the line with him, but he was popular and very successful as a sire.