Joining the hip pain club

Shoot! This is not the sort of update I hope for on this thread. I can’t help but wonder if there’s anything on the MRI that your hip doc is overlooking because of history… was it a contrast MRI?

Has your Dr. weighed in on the diagnostic possibilities that this successful hip block would point to?

Personally, I think we need to get cracking on developing that continuous-joint-infusion lidocaine dispensing device, since so many of us have only ever gotten relief from the intra-articular blocks. Hope you at least got to enjoy those 2 days!

YES. That would be BLISS.

(They actually do have such things! But continuous block is apparently TERRIBLE for your joint. Sad :frowning: )

Laurie, any chance that metal you have is obscuring some big baddie on the MRI?? Not sure if that really HELPS but maybe there really is something there that they just can’t see?

Simkie, the BB is in the other butt cheek sonthis MRI was pretty clear. It was also the first one I had done with contrast. I go to the surgeon on the 23rd to get his take on the whole block working for two days thing. No idea what he is going to think now. I had a facet block along my spine at 3 different levels and it did zip so assume that rules that out. And yes, I would go for a constant infusion in a second. Worry about the damage it would do later on when they cut my leg off I guess

Hip surgery number 3 is March 1st. Hopefully it is as easy and successful as the first two and this is the end of it for a long time.

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Sounds like the block was informative to the surgeon? Or did he have a different read on the MRIs?

Keeping my fingers crossed that this will be a huge success!

He said there was no other explanation for the block working so he is going to go in and see what he finds.

Best luck that they find what is going on and fix it for you, permanently.

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I’m glad he’s at least being proactive about it. Fingers crossed for something obvious and fixable on the scope!

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Super jealous that you have a doc who gives a shit that the block helps instead of just dismissing it as a curiosity!

I hope this is the LAST ONE, Laurie!

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I love my doc! I already told you I have a room ready for you if you want to share him.

Make that two of us who are envious of your doc. And who hope this is the last surgery for you, Laurie!


Management of my hip pain has been slipping, likely because I’m sitting a lot more with winter and all of the terrible crap I’ve been eating trying to gain some weight back after the flu. And maybe just because my left hip is a pile of garbage at this point.

Talked the doc into another MRA to see how things look. Hope to schedule for next week.

He suggests going in with stem cell, PRP AND HA. All of it. At once. After doing some prolo a few days prior to prime the repair system into waking up. Says it’ll hurt, and whoa boy, I sure don’t doubt it.

Says surgical intervention at this point is THR. Not excited about that.

Not really excited about ANY of this, I guess. Hips are dumb :frowning:

There are some hot shit hip guys in NYC that fellowed with Philippon in Vail that at least understand what was attempted with my reconstruction. Considering going to see one of them just for giggles, but really not willing to go to surgery unless they can explain what went wrong and how they’re going to fix it. :-/

I still the cadaver labrum has you screwed up. Hope the therapies do the trick

Yeah, I’m certainly not excited about the way it’s turned out. Unfortunately there was no way the labrum could have been repaired. The operative report is a little stunning on the description of the damage, really :-/

If I’d known then what I know now, I would have just managed with biologics until time for a hip replacement…that’s how I’m dealing with the right hip, and it’s been a much better experience. Oh well. Live and learn :frowning:

Ain’t that the truth.

I hope this new cocktail of therapies helps. Sounds painful enough that I also hope it produces significant long-term improvement. Longer lasting than the PRP alone, at least, and enough to be worth the pain…

It might not hurt to get one of the NYC Philippon-trained guys to take a peek at the MRA if the result of regenerative therapies is limited in duration and you get to the point where THR is otherwise the only thing left on the table. I suppose you won’t know until you get the MRA interpreted whether there’s any obvious new damage in the joint? I was pretty shocked to see on my scope just how messed up the articular cartilage could get in just the year or so that I’d had labrum-related mechanical issues…

Keep us posted on what the MRA reveals and how this biologic big gun treatment plan works out. I’m planning another career move in the next year that will hopefully bump me up to a more reasonable salary and get me real health insurance (vs. the bare-bones $many-k deductible plan I have now). So I’m starting to get optimistic that I might someday soon be able to take my imaging and questions about treatment options to a new doc and try to come up with a better plan than “advil and inactivity”. Your reports on veterinary/medical stuff are always invaluable (which reminds me, I never commented on or thanked you for the Nexium thread, but I’ve been using it as a lower cost UlcerGard alternative for a laid-up NSAID-sensitive horse. Thank you!).

Wishing you the best!

Wow. I told myself that today was the day to start finding answers to my hip pain. It is amazing to read what so many of you (us) are going through. My pain started about 5 years ago and has become steadily worse to the point that there are days - like yesterday - when riding reduced me to tears after just a couple of minutes. I have arthritis in both hips and it is impossible to open my hip angle to allow me to sit upright in the saddle. I have seen an ortho and gone to PT (which was useless). The ortho put me on an anti-inflammatory which had some effect. I also had my hip injected, which also helped a bit. When I talked to him about hip replacement he said I was too young :slight_smile: and that I wouldn’t be able to ride afterwards. Well I know that is a bunch of bunk - so I need a new ortho - one that understands equestrians. I live in Northern Virginia. Does anyone have a recommendation?

I really love my hip doctor if you don’t mind coming to Baltimore

Hi Simkie,

Going off of your description of the NYC doctors, I’m pretty sure you’re talking about the team that I see–the Hip Preservation center @ HSS? I’m only 25 but have had surgery with them and will again soon. I regularly see 4 doctors in the group. This came after spending >5 years struggling with joint pain and dysfunction and unhelpful at best MDs, and I can’t tell you how much going to HSS has improved my joint. I have had consults w Philippon as well, but as his recommendation was the same, I went with the closer team.

Sorry if they’re not the doctors you were mentioning, but if they are, I would encourage at least sending your info and having one of them look at your scans–doing so totally changed my outcome (and life–I used to have to get up and walk every half-hour driving!).

I hope you’re able to get answers and help soon. Let me know if I can help or answer any questions. Good luck.

Hey AO2! I’m talking about Bryan Green with HSS and Srino Bharam at HPG. They have both fellowed with Philippon. That’s unfortunate that you’re heading back in to the OR…is that a failure on your first surgery, or just another hip? Did you have a reconstruction with Green? Did you consult with Bharam at all? My original surgery was with Brian White, in Denver, who is also Philippon trained, and my second opinion was with Philippon, who told me to use White. Curious if he always sends patients back to his students when he can. I won’t go back to the OR unless someone can tell me what’s wrong and that they can definitely help me, and so far that’s not happened. It’s been very frustrating.

XHSM, unfortunately you’re not a candidate for a labrum repair or reconstruction with arthritis. Absolutely look around for the best hip guy you can find but don’t be terribly surprised if there’s not a lot they’re going to be able to do surgically :frowning: Some surgeons will be willing to try, but the results are usually pretty … uninspiring. I highly recommend exploring the biologics–PRP and stem cell. I’ve had great results with PRP on my non operative side. I’ve also had good luck with a REALLY good sports massage person. The hip not working right causes a lot of compensatory muscular issues that really contribute to pain, IME.

laurie, I would love to visit :smiley: But your guy doesn’t do reconstructions, right? There’s nothing left in there for him to work on :frowning:

x-halt :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: that sucks that your docs are leaving you with “advil and inactivity.” UGH. How on earth is that an answer??? I hope this year goes quickly for you, and that any new gig has AMAZING health insurance :smiley: My guy here was like “life style change blah blah blah rest blah blah blah activity modification” and it’s like DUDE. I cannot do less than I’m doing now. I’m not riding, I’m not doing anything outside, I’m not working. This is all by choice/weather/etc etc etc but there is NOTHING left to give up. And this level of doing nothing just isn’t sustainable once winter is over. I did have a repeat MRA at Mayo (both hips, that’s when we found that the right hip is also trashed, yay!) and despite a grossly abnormal read from the radiologist, the surgeon there was like “this is normal given the reconstruction, there’s nothing wrong with you, get out of my office.” That douchebag. It’s been a couple years so hopefully the new MRA will show some sort of additional change that’s telling…AND they’ll block the joint for it, which…bliss. A few hours of bliss. YAY. :lol:

And WAHOO that you found use in the nexium thread! At least SOME THINGS are cheap and easy, right? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hi Simkie,

Do you mean Bryan Kelly by any chance? I don’t know Bryan Green, if not!
Kelly is part of the HSS Hip Preservation center. I’d trust them with my good(ish) hip :slight_smile: Buley and Coleman have been my surgeons, and Moley is probably my favorite doctor I’ve ever seen anywhere. Kelly is great also, but Coleman got me in sooner. It sounds like your hips are quite complicated–wherever you end up, I hope that they’re able to get you answers soon! There’s absolutely nothing worse than the “limit activity” response… Good luck!