Joint supplements

What joint supplements do people like?

I already have my horse on Adequan and Legend, but want something extra to have her on daily for additional support. I have been looking into Cosequin ASU and Cavalor ArtiTec and Arti Matrix. Any opinions on these?

My vet says Cosequin and MSM are the only things she recommends for joint supplements.

My semi retired pony is on both. I can 100% tell a difference in his hocks if he misses a couple days.

I have my fellow (hock arthritis) on monthly pentosan, and daily Epiitalis Forte and 20g celery seeds. Very happy with the results so far.

Cosequin ASU and MSM currently not sure I notice any difference. I too want to do something more for my older girl (she’s got several arthritic joints and other issues) that would cover multiple things (everything?) vs individual injections (recognizing the effect won’t ever be the same between oral supps and IA injections). I’m just not convinced it makes a difference for my horse.

We use Lubrsyn HA for the horses and me as well. When my old fox hunter got a little shuffly at the walk on mild slopes, I put him on the HA and kept him good for a few years.


I’m also a big fan of Lubrisyn HA. And Triacta.

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Cosequin ASU. I’ve had my now 22 year old on it I think three years? I have tried changing him to another (cheaper) supplement and he tells me pretty quickly that it’s not working. Tried twice and gave up. Cosequin it is.

I’ve tried a lot of feed-through joint supplements over the years and I can’t say that I have found any that “work” for my horses.

Adequan and Pentosan do work well though, so I usually opt for that, which you are already doing.

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Platinum CJ and Adequan

Depends why your supplementing for joints as to what works. Arthritis? Osto/Rhumatoid? Level of degeneration? What hasn’t worked? Age of horse? Etc.