Joseph Besecker Dispersal

Over 100 horses to be sold. One of his many reasons for getting out of the game is “frustration due to the lack of a commissioners office that would help with issues such as the public response to the rash of breakdowns at California tracks and lack of uniformity in other areas”.

“If I ran my business like horseracing is run, I’d be out of business” he said.

He won’t attend the sale because he “can’t take it”. “This is emotionally hard for me. This is not something I want to do”.…cker-dispersal

:frowning: :cry:

It’s so sad. :frowning:

He was way in over his head and not paying his bills.

Classy as always.


So you think it’s OK for him to blame racing and breakdowns, when honestly he can’t manage his business? It’s disgusting that he is blaming those who have nothing to do with his problems. You may not get it, but it’s gut wrenching when a horse breaks down, even if you are not connected to the horse, and it speaks volumes about him that he is trying to deflect blame when everyone in this neck of the woods knows what is really going on.

To be honest, I wondered about that excuse. Here we are at ground zero, yet I don’t know of any major owner dispersing for that reason, at least yet. Has the issue really affected Maryland to the point that a large owner would walk away?

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It seemed to me, after reading the entire article that there are many reasons for the dispersal. It’s sad when a person has to sell their horses when they wish they didn’t have to.


He specifically said his children are not interested in racing to the extent that they’d be willing to continue the stable. Better a well-managed dispersal now than having to “fire sale” everything after he’s departed.


I agree he said a whole bunch of things --including his family and other commitments --and the slap against California from a Maryland guy who has never raced here that I know of-- felt pretty superfluous and unnecessary IMO.

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It seemed to me, after reading the entire article that there are many reasons for the dispersal.

That’s true. He is doing the right thing for the horses.


I don’t know…I can see an owner being a little ticked off at the CHRB right now, They’ve handled a few things rather poorly, resulting in bad national publicity for racing.

No, it has not. Not at all.

Very few people in MD care much about what goes on in CA, unless it’s a Stronach “do what I say not what I do” thing.

I don’t know…I can see an owner being a little ticked off at the horrible handling of the Santa Anita situation and the drug positive. They’ve handled a few things rather poorly, resulting in bad national publicity for racing. Having a commissioners office might help. Who knows?

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In Kentucky, we care a lot.


For a long time, too.

He had a nice winner in the MD Juvenile on Saturday.