Journalist looking for para-equestrian show jumper

Hey, everyone.

I’m a hunter/jumper rider, journalist, and a student at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism interested in completing my year-long, master’s project on para-equestrian show jumping.

I’m hoping to find someone in California or on the West Coast who trains para-equestrian jumpers, a rider, or someone involved in the movement to make para-equestrian showjumping an official sport in the US (or in the Paralympics).

If anyone has any contacts or ideas of where I might be able to look, even if they’re not in CA, please let me know. I can be reached at

Thanks so much, everyone. I appreciate any help I can get.

Have you tried contacting the USPEA?

they’re probably super-busy with the Olympics coming up, but I suggest you start there.

Rider wanting to get like minded people together
Dena Pate -

Athlete Director Board Member of the USEF and Executive Director of the United States Para Equestrian Association