Jousting in my local paper!

Okay, ring jousting, which I honestly find way more impressive than the jousting that involves trying to knock an opponent off their horse, because have you seen the size of the rings they’re trying to spear? Way tinier than an opposing knight! You need an incredible eye and a nice steady horse with an incredibly smooth canter who is also very very straight…

But also, I remember my parents taking me to go watch some ring jousting when I was a kid. And as a Marylander, through and through, I would not be opposed to trying some ring jousting, should I ever have a horse that’s chill enough.

Most importantly, I love that an extremely niche horse sport (though it is technically Maryland’s State Sport) is getting some love in local media, at the very least.


Some jouster types used to rent the ring at my trainer’s old farm occasionally to practice both that and some other stuff–they had a quintain! It was a little startling for the horses at first, but they let us boarders come try if we wanted. My TB mare was pretty game–she was better at being straight and dealing with stuff than I was at catching rings!

If you ever get the chance, definitely give it a try :slight_smile:


You need an incredible eye and a nice steady horse with an incredibly smooth canter who is also very very straight…

I made do with a semi feral bog pony and shockingly poor coordination. Good fun though!


Great photos!

Lol, I admit to speculating about what would make a successful ring jouster!

I fully support well loved semi-feral bog ponies in all their endeavors! Pretty sure my boy wants to be a semi-feral bog pony, despite being a generally well behaved 16hh boy.

And yes, if I ever have the opportunity to try jousting, I absolutely will! Because why not? It seems fun and challenging!

Do those lances have any safety features to protect horse and rider?

Just the title of the article gave me a much-needed laugh tonight so thank you for that!
Now back to read the article… :slight_smile: