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Jr Clique!

Haha, I’m bored/tired/in pain/drowsy…So I’m starting the “Jr Clique” lol, how original!
“True madness can only be achieved through a state of ultimate sanity”
My random quote!
And I have new pictures too,
Did anyone see MTV Icon, a tribute to Janet Jackson? Lol, it was on again tonight
& I flipped over a desk in math, & was haging there upside down lmao! i leaned back, and the entire desk flipped over! lol, but then it kinda hurt to walk…I scraped up my back pretty good
haha, only me
I’m not crazy! Really!
I like this code thing!


[This message was edited by ThinkBigEQ on Apr. 13, 2001 at 12:35 AM.]

CUTE!!! Hey Spaz, what kind of tall boots do you have on in that pic? Just wondering.

Erin*Lizzy AKA Elizardbreath

Don’t speak of bad things like that Speedy! ::shudder::

I will never rip the crown off my horny S/O’s head, or mine for that matter.

I didn’t know we were allowed to have a horse AND a pony…

Horse or Pony: Connemara Pony
Height: 14.2
Sex: gelding
Age: 7
Color: white w/ bk mane and tail
Markings: none
Personality: spunky, spookproof.
Ability/Talent/Skills: Fancy, Scopey, can do Pony Hunters, Low Hunters, Childrens Hunters and Jumpers, will jump anything he’s pointed at…never refuses…

who wants to start a lil bet on WHO will be the person to start the 100th page?!?!?

We’re far enough out that we can do this tonight. I am going to go for either Spazzie or JumperEq, both (a) stay up late at night with me! and most importantly (b) post ALL the time at night…

Emily proud member of the junior clique!

The least I can do for your accepting me into the Jr. clique is to try to help you get more guys involved. That way I won’t just get beaten by girls.

Oh I’m sure that the dress-age BB would love to have us come over for a visit. Perhaps if we’re very quite and listen we can learn a lot!

As you well know, riding is all about stopping wars, ending hunger and curing cancer. God forbid you actually have fun while you�re doing it.


This is my weekend in nutshell:

Friday: Be in a play [The Keep], go out to hang with muh drama buddies

Saturday: Ride the Pirate!! Lesson. Go pick out tux for prom date. Be In Play Again!!![The Keep]

Sunday Riding Pirate again!!! Yay!!!

ConfusedGoosy2 and what did your cat say to you? Any kitty expletives??

Why does my hamster need colored earplugs again?!?!

I scanned my face, hands and my sister’s eye succesfully. I don’t think the ahem, bootay is easily scannable. (ErinsTwin: And hamsters are?)


lol guys, we’re sad… 1000+ posts is dern impressive

~~Erin B~~

Arg, I just went to go find all of my long-lost pictures and I seem to have lost them in the move from tiny room to GRANDE room!
I will go get some bad proofs though.

I hear the moon is great year round.

And the craters would be just GREAT for hill work! Oh the possibilities…

OK so now we just need to find out how to get all of our wonderful moon stuff up there. Any ideas?

Oh and another plus! The horses could jump higher because of a) the excellent footing and b) the whole gravity thing! You know, we could really have something here…

lol, thanks JumpTheMoon. I’m so dead tired…blllaaaahhhh

~~Erin B~~

one of ya’ll can have it…unless luck just HAPPENS to fall into my talented lap yet again…

Nah Nee Nah Nee Boo Boo, I’m better than poo poo! I think…

Well… since Spaz refuses to share any of HER little secrets <eg>, I’d sooner believe that, Raincloud!


erin go on Sugabebe 003

ErinB from Florida never ever give cpr to a lizard

well I’m driving my dad to ace hardware…so I’ll be back!

I am Phat, not to be confused with Fat, which could save you hundreds of dollars in poop, so stop calling me!

Maybe I will go and try that if you show me a PICTURE
“You gotta LUV me”

Welcome Islander…

do you ever see the pony Miss O’Brien/Gayfields something/ Color Key??

I know those ponies


Yes Phatty! I’m too conphuseded to make my own

ttyl playaz
luv ya ry(my sexy purple man)

“If confusion is the first step to knowledge, I must be a genius.”