Jr Clique!

I belliev THAT is how it’s done!

I am Phat, not to be confused with Fat, which could save you hundreds of dollars in poop, so stop calling me!

Nope. I got kicked off for being bad to someone online. Email me: chiquitabanana86@yahoo.com

My room is HUGE! I love it! It’s in the basement so it’s the old playroom, and it’s the same size as the living room (right underneath) with a fire place and a couch and I have my own bathroom right down the hall. I love my room!!!

But to answer your question…

I know Langshaw and Alf.

I know OF pretty much the entire rest of the Texas Clique, including all the… Scattered Oakers? Oakites? Whatever you call yourselves!


OK here, these are on my old computer, so I couldn’t scan them again. But pics are on this thread…


I would be very mad because then he would be able to legally cheat on me.

LTP-I’m all there for hits next year-actually-you can count ERinb and me in!

I am Phat, not to be confused with Fat, which could save you hundreds of dollars in poop, so stop calling me! *Callin me mam’ is like puttin’ an elevator in an outhouse…it just don’t belong.

i like an hour + from my horses

ErinB never ever give cpr to a lizard

Oh by the way, it is the end with OUT the ink I am sticking in my mouth

No, I do not mean for that to be dirty! (hey, I think that’s my first post that isn’t! LOL)

LOL one of my friends has western horses, and we went on a trail ride one time…it was SOOOO funny! It really made us realize what a “hunter princess” I was…I couldn’t even lift the saddle. And I started to complain because whenever the horse trotted I couldn’t keep my heels down…in a short story, it was very amusing

WOW…I totally messed up on the spelling in that last thing i posted:) I suck at spelling…last year in LA my teacher would split our grades into three sections and add them together…I got:
…and i am in the honors clas…guess they forgot to test my spelling before they put my in it
“You gotta LUV me”

15 thank you very much! I turned 15 in september so HUMPH! but you know you’re my favorite person Aviva! Don’t be mean! I wuv ya!

Matt- I know I’ve never met you…but I’ve never been more in love…

ErinB are you on-line?

ErinB from Florida never ever give cpr to a lizard

I haven’t heard very many songs by Five Iron Frenzy, but my favorite is the Canada song…definitely get that. And Kitty Doggy or something like that is pretty cool.

~~Erin B~~

HEY! What’s up guys? I wasn’t on since noon or so because I had to go out to eat, went to this thing at my church and then I talked on the phone for an hour and a half!! But I am back now, just read what I missed.

Uh girls, go back about 7 pages… notice that Spaz already claimed Matt for ME?! (thanks Spaz, what a thoughtful child!) So looks like you’ll just have to hope ponyperson swaps religions.

~Erin Lizzy
Visit my Website!

Whoa… I thought your breeches were TS, too, from that side seam. You’re lucky cause you can find bargains and apparently wear them well LOL, when I try to wear cheap stuff I look like… well, stupid. But I’ve picked up a few bargains myself-

$30 Vogel tall boots (uh, used, but just barely)
$10 British House pink, purple and gray shirt
$30+ shipping Walsh triple stitched halter
$90 Edgewood lookalike (including the raised laced reins)
$150 custom chaps
A few more things that I forgot.

Erin*Lizzy AKA Elizardbreath

I used to hate staying after school. LOL

I like faded hats. They are kewl (i hate when people spell it like that. lol).

I want to be a trainer of horses, and a few riders, or a lawyer (like on the Practice), a spanish teacher, or a trophy husband.

Oh yeah Kris I’ll give you some extra credit if we make some more babies by tomorrow…about 65 more would be good.


Hmmm maybe if I had a video. And I was really serious about competing.

Spaz! Wow you sounded almost… grown up! Ok here goes:

Are you taking lessons at all? Like, is there an assistant trainer at your barn? Yes I’m taking lessons, from a really really awesome trainer- unfortunately this really really awesome trainer just about runs the Devon horse show, and she’s busy up there until mid-June. I got ahold of my trainer’s “right hand (wo)man” and she might be able to come out sometime next week just to help me. I was taking lessons from my horse’s old rider, but she had to go to Maine (don’t ask), and she’ll be gone till next winter!

What are the boarding places near you like? Maybe you could board Griffen at one of those places and train/ride there, that way you could meet people and ride with people at the same time. I’d LOVE TO DO THAT- but the whole reason we moved to this place was so I could keep my horses here. We built a barn and everything, and I’d feel so bad asking to leave after all that.

OK so I know you have 10 acres…are they all cleared, half wooded or what? 2 acres cleared so far, that’s the pasture and the riding ring. We’re clearing more as soon as we can and maybe buying some cleared property behind us as well.

Do you have an arena? Nope.

How many jumps do you have? So far, just four. Getting more though soon.

Maybe one day one of your horsie friends could come over (FatLilPony!) and y’all could put away a weekend to making jumps, “exploring” your property, etc. Alot of stuff is alot funner with friends.
I know. Everything is more fun with friends! If only FLP didn’t live two hours awayyyyyyyy!!!

Do you have a round pen by any chance? Do your parents know how to lunge? If you have a round pen, you could free lunge Griffen, it really builds a bond (as cheesy as that sounds).

I know I did some of that when I was boarding Griffen for a short time at his old barn. He’s soooo good at it! But no round pen. My mom can lunge though. Last time I gave her a lunge lesson she fell off! Hehe but anyway, that is actually a good idea.

Do you have any siblings? If so, maybe you could give them a few lessons on one of your old horses. If you don’t have siblings, maybe if you baby-sit the parents will be willing to let their child ride once every so often. And you won’t loose your “ammy” status because you will be baby-sitting, not teaching

I used to give my sis lessons, but she quit for softball. I might be teaching my neighbor’s little girl soon though (for free of course).

Thanks so much Anyway I really appreciate all the ideas and hopefully things will be back to normal once my trainer comes back.
I’m gonna ask her to retire from the Devon thing next year. I can’t take it!!!

~Erin Lizzy
Visit my Website!

I’ll be 15 in July. Any takers?lol

Pony Person