Jumbled PM format - can;t find compatibility icon

I have an older 2007 version of Internet Explorer. I have clicked everything up by the URL line and the messed up formatting on the PM page does not change. I have a pm I would like to reply to and both the PM message and reply field are covered by the ads. If it were not for my email inbox mail message, I could not even read the PM.

This is a mess.

Get rid of the notifications - bad idea.

If I had to guess, I’d say the site is written assuming that you have a more updated browser. Yours is nearly 6 years old. Time to update.

I do not think it’s unreasonable at all for web developers to not write code for something that is so incredibly out of date. If you choose to use something THAT old, then it’s on you to deal with the repercussions of your choice…


I have the same problem. I see no reason to update just for one forum. I do not have problems on any other sites.

Weird I have the same problems except it is with my new computer with window 8 and I assume it has the newest IE.
Where my old (and it is really old) it is probably as old if not older than the computers mentioned already had no problems I think it has IE4 or 5 in it. And for what ever reason I could not upgrade my browser when I tried my computer would have a fit and shut down for several months then start up and it would be missing things like spell check… But that is one of the querks I lived with it.
So how do I “fix” this with windows 8 and the newest IE?

bumknees, what version of IE comes with Windows 8?

Try zooming/shrinking the view of the website. That worked for me on Firefox.

Simkie my DH says it is IE 10.
Lex. how does one who is computer stupid do that? I haven’t figured out how to adjust the size of type/font yet…Or have the task bar at the bottom disappear…

You should really update for the security improvements alone. Give Google Chrome a try if you’re not keen on the newer IE.

IE 10 looks to be about the same as IE 9 to my eyes, at least for Windows 7. Bumknees, do you see that little icon in your address bar that looks like a torn paper? Click that.

:slight_smile: Thank you very much . I would have never thought of that… silly me should have though of that…duh. told you I was computer stupid…