Jump saddle brand with stirrup bars further back? Also Antares saddle stamp decoding?

Hello! I’m wondering if there is a jump saddle brand that is known to place its stirrup bars further back, especially in the larger seat sizes? I’m 5’10" with most of my height in my femurs. I currently ride in a 18" Antares Evolution with 3A flaps and the stirrup bars are placed way too forward for my balance point. I know a custom saddle is the best way to go, but I’m hoping to avoid it if possible haha

Relatedly, does anyone know what the 2+2 and the 26 in my saddle stamp means? Here’s the stamp, typed out:

Antares (duh)
Evolution (model)
20 2657 (production year and serial number)
3A/2+2 (flap size and forwardness/ ??)
18 26 (seat size and ???)


I can’t help you with a saddle brand, but I can help you with red neck adjustable stirrup bars. Find a short piece of hard hose, about 1.5" diameter. Cut 2 pieces about 1" long, slide it over the bar, then put your stirrup leathers on it.

I did it with a saddle of mine; worked great. I got the rubber hose from my mechanic. He just gave me a couple inches.


heck yeah, I love these kinds of solutions. thank you! going to try that tonight. I also heard using some kind of shimming or riser under the cantle to tip the balance point forward can help, but the saddle is well-balanced for my horse as-is, so I’m reluctant to try that.

IIRC, the +2 is additional 2mm of foam. I don’t know what the 2 right after the / is, typically I have seen a 2 following “AO” which is tree width…but agree 3A is flap size and length. I own an Antares 3A which is slightly long, slightly forward.

I believe the 26 is actually seat width, they come in 24, 26, 28 according to my rep. Typically you would see represented by a letter but maybe this one has a number. ??

I used rein stops. I just cut the long parts down to fit in that space.



Or just twist some hair ties on the stirrup bar.

EQ Saddle Science makes saddles with adjustable stirrup bars. I love mine!

I did this exact same thing hehe. Though I confess, sometimes my leathers still start to slip on top of the rein stops, it certainly helps!

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I’m 5’11 and all legs. I had the same issue with my Antares, although it was comfortable it put me in a chair seat. I was MUCH happier in a Voltaire with a 4AA flap. If you’re in the market my 2018 is for sale through Double Oak Tack. Unfortunately it doesn’t work with my new horse but I absolutely loved my balance in that saddle and my femur is a mile long.

I’ve also heard of using martingale stops on the stirrup bars.

Do not shim the cantle as it will put pressure over the withers. The trick with the tubing works great. I also have issues with stirrup bars being too far forward for my femur length. The jump saddle I have that works the best for me is the Jeffries JMX monoflap.

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Could the 26 be the gullet width/ width sizing for the horse? I had a Duett and that is about how they had it stamped on my saddle. Seat size and gullet width. It had 18 & 40.

Voltaire is designed with the stirrup bars further back. I would try both Voltaire and Forestier. Where are you located? We have an excellent Forestier rep in the midwest who is also very tall. He seems really good at fitting tall people.

The Evolution has a more cutback tree I think which is part of your fit issue. But also important to keep in mind as far as horse fit. Maybe try an Equipe Allegra. It also has a more cutback tree design. I have one and it is the best flap fit for me. I have a CWD and a Voltaire also and Equipe has been the best in general which is why I scooped up this model when it was first introduced for my horse that needed an Evolution type tree (but the Antares was too narrow in the rails and not a good fit for me for the reasons you are finding). I typically order very straight flaps and thus really don’t want the stirrup bar forward. I take a long flap, standard forward in Equipe. Seat runs large in that particular model.

Where are you located? I highly recommend the Arion saddles. The balance, quality, and comfort for both horse and rider can’t be beat. www.arion-hst.com

Sorry, but this thread immediately made me think of this. Carry on.


I came to this thread to post this picture but @Peggy beat me to it

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