Jump saddle for wide shouldered TB

Hey Everyone,

I have a young 15.1h TB. His back is about a medium tree. But his shoulders are super wide. So my dressage saddle fits him well (Tad Coffin) but my jump squishes his shoulders even though it fits his back. (Prestige Eventing.) What saddles are out there that have a jointed or loose or floppy floppy front panel?

I tried my friend’s Tad Coffin TC2 and it’s great on him and I like it too. But I don’t have $4,000 to spend on a used saddle. Or any saddle.

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You can likely find a TC for less if you’re patient. I got one for $900 not too long ago. Granted it was a lucky find, but there have been a few for less than $3k on HighLine recently. You just have to check the site constantly!

However, I’ve seen some Toulouses on the genesis tree that LOOK similar in shape from pics. No idea what the quality and IRL shape is like these days though.

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Arion offers a free shoulder design. IDK about finding any used cheaply since still a new brand, but I know its an option from them.


I think the county saddles are designed for this? Surge panels?

Serge panels just refers to the material on the outside of the panel - instead of leather or plastic synthetic. County does have options for shoulder freedom but you’d need to know exactly what you’re looking for to find something used on a budget.

Maybe a Black Country? Those are similar to County but cheaper new, so you might find something in budget.

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I heard Stubbens maybe have it? Anyone know? Then there is Pegasus Unicorn but those saddles make me nervous. Anyone like them?

Totally understand. What is your budget? That will help posters make better suggestions.

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ack that’s a great question. I have 3 saddles for sale so it depends on what I get for them. Full price up to $3k but I’m thinking probably more around $2k. :persevere:

Plus I’m in debt and SHOULD be using some of the saddle money to pay it down.

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I’m also perfectly fine with a used saddle.

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Because of the way the stubben tree is built, it leaves a lot of room for the shoulder. If on a budget and looking for something used, I think that’s a good place to start :slight_smile:


For a big shoulder, you’ll want to look for one with a Future panel.

I have a Fairfax XC for my wide shoulder/low wither fellow. He has massive shoulders and a short back, so I don’t have a lot of saddle real estate. I think it was just over $2k new. I have been happy with it.