Jumped today: 10 months after accident!

I joined a lesson today, intending to hack my jumper in the warm-up portion. As Mr. Trainer lowered the jumps for this group, I jokingly said “make that an X and I’ll pop over it!”. He complied!! So, that was the warm-up jump for everyone, and me too!

First jump in 10 months. First time was discombobulated, second was smoother, and the third time was wonderful. I quit on that :).

Hard to believe that it has been 10 months since I jumped, and that I’ve only been hacking around for 2 months now. My shoulder is still very sore, and certain movements are a no-go. I am supposed to see my surgeon for a final check, but I have a niggling feeling that this won’t be the last…that one remaining screw is bugging me, I think.

I wore my eventing vest, as I do each ride now. I barely notice it, once it warms up and softens.



CONGRATULATIONS CC !!! :D:cool::yes:


YAYAYAYA! That’s awesome! SO happy for you!

I “jumped” for the first time two weeks ago - just popped over a super teeny tiny cross rail during flatwork exercise and it was great! I was super discombobulated the entire time, just as I’m sure you felt.

Keep up the hard work, you’re doing great. Keeping my fingers crossed that you heal completely soon, and that if that last screw needs to come out that it’s a breeze for you.

Wow, 2 thumbs up!!!


Congratulations!! I’m not jumping again yet myself but I can’t wait. You’ve inspired my to pop over that first crossrail too, just maybe NOT on the 4 YO!!

Yay!!! Congrats on jumping again…glad you were able to do it and have fun! :slight_smile:

Thanks guys! My DH just doesn’t get how momentous this was, so I knew I’d get affirmation from the COTH Enabler Squad. My jumper is a packer, and I’m a bit of a chicken, so we make a good combo. I admit I waffle back and forth between-“man that course looks so fun” to “oh, my lord! I’m going to eat footing if I sit in the saddle”. A work in progress. I toured a dressage barn this weekend…and I just. don’t. want. to. go. there. I still desire jumping, so jumping will get a fair shake.

Oh, this is wonderful!!! (not that you don’t want to be seduced by the dark side of dressage, but that you jumped)!!

That’s awesome! Congrats!!! Sounded like a great situation for your first time back :). After having been sidelined b/c of my own surgeries, I totally know how big it was. So very happy for you :).

Wonderful! I didn’t jump for 14 months after my accident. It took a long time, but well worth it. I also decided to stick to dressage and get serious about it, for about a month. Couldn’t stand it, though I love dressage as long as I am eventing.

Still just beaming for you! Yes, you’ll always get support from the Enabler Squad (the most accurate term I have heard for this group!)

I know what you mean about waffling though. I watch videos on youtube and one second I’m just DYING to be on that horse, and the next I wonder if I’ll ever have the courage again for more than just crossrails. One day at a time though - I did my first real galloping set this weekend on my mare (who’s as much on the rehab list as I am) and we both paid dearly for it - she tied up as soon as I got off and by the time I got home my spine was in knots. I told my PT about this and about my plans to start crossrails as soon as finals are over…she told me “I wouldn’t do that if you want to be able to move, but I know you’ll do whatever you want, so just keep that in the back of your mind as you’re riding.” :lol: She’s finally beginning to understand the eventer mentality - when it hurts, it means I’m doing something wrong, so I try harder!

Good luck on your recovery! And good luck finding the right barn! If you were in Corvallis I could recommend 10 different places that you would love, but I don’t know of any on your side of the river :no:


Good job!


[QUOTE=DressageGeek “Ribbon Ho”;5265228]
Oh, this is wonderful!!! (not that you don’t want to be seduced by the dark side of dressage, but that you jumped)!![/QUOTE]

since when is the dark side dressage??? I thought Eventing was the dark side?? lol


ooh well done you

since when is the dark side dressage??? I thought Eventing was the dark side?? lol[/QUOTE]

I’m going to have to second this notion. I’m a proud Dark Side Eventer. We have more fun. We have cookies.