Jumping again!

Well I can’t say exactly I ride with a “disability”. I do have 5 metal plates in my back from a fusion, but I have been suffering from an old injury, rearing it’s ugly head earlier this year, a severly pulled groin muscle. I first did this about 18 years ago, and then reinjured it about 12 years ago. Then things seemed to be pretty good until early this past spring when I reinjured it yet again! I have been very careful all summer, riding some but not a tremendous lot to let it heal. I did jump one time late summer a little but today I finally jumped again. After about 6 fences could feel a slight pulling so I stopped at that point, but I THINK it is healed. Just hope it stays that way! It becomes harder and harder to get back into jumping now that I am over 50, so time off from it is not helpful!


I’m so happy for you. I can’t wait until I can pop over a little jump. You must be beyond excited.

Don’t worry about not being disabled enough. You have metal parts in your body, so you qualify as NQR. Also, I think you will be a real inspiration to other riders like you have been to me. Keep posting with your progress :slight_smile:

Keep up the good work!

air time feels soo good!

hi Shawnee Acres,
Congratulations on jumping! It sure is addictive, isn’t it?:lol:

Got a question. I love to jump, too. you mentioned that something started to hurt. Was it the groin muscle or the back?

I have a number of back and SI ligaments issues, as well. I have found that for me, jumping uphill is easier than drops. I love stream crossings and ravines…

Gymnastics are a major blast. Lots of air time without as much shock on landing. Because the height is low, I can do it more often and it makes my horses better jumpers.

I could feel my groin beginning to “pull” a little after about 6 jumps so called it quits. Haven’t jumped since Sunday as weatehr is awful but hopefully can get on a regular program again. Since I am a small time pro, it’s hard to remain on the ground allowing things to heal!

I totally get the excitement. Due to a shattered ankle and a knee that I decided not to replace, I haven’t jumped in several years.

but, there is a new boarder and he went up to the jumping field and set everything at about 18" and I went and jumped it all (uphill as the field is on a hillside).

so wonderful.

Congrats on jumping again, that’s WONDERFUL :smiley: