As the start of the new show season approaches, I’m making decisions about where I’ll be showing, what I’ll be showing in, etc. and want to make sure certain circumstances would not affect amateur eligibility.
If a rider (JUNIOR) were to be a ‘working student’ (probably doing groom work, schooling ponies/horses for a show barn… not exactly sure what the expected work would be yet… in exchange for staying with that barn, taking their own horse (who the working student would be taking care of) with for a portion of the circuit, and possibly showing their own horse some, are they still able to be an amateur once they age out of the juniors? I have read that usef amateur/professional rules do not specifically apply to juniors because the amateur/pro status is declared once you age out, but the rules are not 100% clear. If the rider were to be a working student for the winter circuit of their last junior year and were to stop the working student position once they age out, can they be an amateur?
I realize that being a working student would be an incredible learning opportunity (this would be for the experience, not for money, but would not be paying to stay with the barn and ride) and don’t want to miss out on it if it is an option, but I am not very familiar with this situation and want to see what the future implications would be!
Thanks in advance for anyone who has a better understanding of this and can help me out!! I tried to explain the situation as clearly as possible but if it doesn’t make sense, please let me know!