Get him a saddle that fits him. Those add on things are not very safe. Reading the reviews, metion of parts breaking caught my eye from a couple people.
Yes kid may use saddle a short time, need another size. But it fits him NOW, to give him secure seat and good riding position, confidence while riding. You don’t buy his clothes, shoes, way too big for fit, so he grows into them, you might be surprised how long a slim boy will fit well in that small seat size. My son rode his 12" seat from age 4 to almost 11yrs old. Daughter was a larger child, used it until age 9yrs. They both did a lot of miles in that saddle, we’re good riders, no sloping around in too-big equipment.
And I had people fighting over the small seat saddle when we resold it at a tack sale. Got more than we paid for it! Excellent condition, lower cost name, Silver Royal, fit the western horse well. Not a pony saddle. Not so easy to find nice, small seat western kid saddles.
As a rider, YOU would not put up with tack that did not fit you. Kids should not have to either. Especially if we expect them to continue riding as they get older. A person needs a saddle that makes riding easy and fun. You might ask about small saddles at some shows, a 4-H leader, a trainer, tack stores, for help finding a proper sized saddle for your boy. We have lots of tack sales where you can locate saddles to buy. Do get him a saddle with a level seat, not built up in front. He will be more comfortable using a flat, fron-to-back, seat saddle. Boys are not built like girls, so keep that in mind while saddle hunting.
I am hiding a 12" seat, western saddle in my tack room right now, waiting for the grand kids to gain some age. I have known the saddle since I was a kid, watching other folks use it. My friend had it last, loaned it out often to other kids, between her kids and grand kids using it. With our kids of similar ages, I never borrowed it fo my kids. I finally got my hands on it, with the promise to sell it back to her if I ever get rid of it! Her surprise grandchild may be needing it in a few years!! This is a custom saddle but no name on it. Built on a QH bar tree, fits a horse well, putting child in a perfect natural equitation seat. Saddle has won tons of ribbons over the years and made lots of smiling kids look great while showing. Kids do better with tack that fits their small bodies. Spend the money for a saddle in his size, you will get it back in resale to buy his next size-up saddle!