Just A Bone Spur! I Can Ride!!!!!

I had a medical crisis starting a couple of weeks ago. I have a history of spinal cord injury. I have a cervical fusion at C4-C5 and a lamenectomy at L4-L5 with resulting Cauda Equina Syndrome.

About 15 days ago I had a huge muscle spasm in my neck. It has happened before, but resolves on its on. This didn’t. So I head over to doctor. She prescribes a muscle relaxer and 3 therapeutic massage sessions. Drugs and massage help the spasm, but I am left with horrible pain high up my back, just below my neck. I mean, it is so bad I can’t breath.

I stop riding (even though my newly discovered dedication to riding had been paying off in a big way). Go back to doctor. She stops massage and sends me to specialist. This totally freaks me out, since all my other experience has led to immediate surgery and I just don’t want to go there this time.

Saw the specialist today and I have a bone spur at C6! It is a normal, run of the mill bone spur! I start physical therapy next week and my massage therapy is back on the schedule. And I can ride. He said to start off slow and see what I tolerate, but I can ride! The doctor said he has never seen such joy from a patient just told they have vertebral compression.

I started Prednizone this afternoon. The relief is unbelievable. Of course, in the last 2 weeks the weather has gotten too hot to live in, let alone ride in. It was 108 degrees here yesterday. But at least I can get back in the saddle once the mornings cool off enough!

I know the feeling, four surgeries in three years and now I am afraid to go to any doctor, ugh.

Some times, even when not lucky in general, we end up lucky that it was not worse.:cool:

Hope they get you fixed again.:slight_smile:
Neat that you can keep riding, that would anyone jump up with joy.:lol:

I know what you mean about being afraid to go to a doctor. For a while there it seemed like every time I turned around I was getting cut open. It got so bad that I was willing to try acupuncture, rather than go to a western doctor.