I had labral tear/osteoplasty surgeries on both hips two(?) years ago. Unfortunately it didn’t really solve the issue and I re-developed bone spurs on one, but even on the one that doesn’t have the spurs, I just feel stuck.
So, I’ve been doing FAI fix and deep yin yoga because I’m just super tired of surgeries (I had some other emergency surgeries in between there, and I’m sick of it!) - yes, at some point I’ll get it replaced, but for now, I’m working on non-surgical alternatives.
I have reasonable days and not so reasonable days, but I’m riding mostly pain free, I just look like crap with my legs kind of in a chair seat to keep the pressure off of my hips. No balancing on the mouth, it just looks more like a grippy bareback seat. Still not riding wide horses. But fine - this is ok.
But today I had a huge progress moment - I reached down and was able to tighten my dressage girth FROM THE SADDLE. Y’all, this is huge. I have been unable to do so prior or since my surgeries, which was a pain because I often ride alone and need to tighten my girth after I get on, so I have to hop off, and hop back on. I was able to reach down over one leg and get it! Not only that, but BOTH legs worked to do lateral work (my left was…kind of rogue).
I’m so happy!
I can see progress in my hip position, and will continue to work on that.