Just gotta brag on Mr. Blondie

I hauled Mr. Blondie down to Camelot Therapeutic Horsemanship this morning for a trail ride in the desert with Mary, the director. After we finished our ride, I brought Mr. Blondie into the barn to show him their mounting ramp. It’s a big honkin’ white structure (see photo), and he’s never been near it before. He walked up beside it like he’d been doing it all his life.

Then he walked up beside it while someone was standing up there. And let her lean on him like she was going to mount (no helmet, so she didn’t).

Then he walked quietly up to one of the volunteers, who was sitting in a wheelchair.

Then he let me lead him around while I sat in the wheelchair.

SUCH a good boy. I’m so proud of him. :yes:

I have long thought that Prozac Pony would make a good therapy horse, because (except when cows might be involved) he’s so unflappable.

But Mr. Blondie just seems to “get it”.

Gooooood Boy!!1

Mr. B’s fans here in Virginny knew it all along…but then there’s the NEXT time he sees it and runs away like it’s gonna eat him but lets not think about that right now!!! :uhoh::uhoh::uhoh:
Enjoy the moment!!
Looks scary to me!!

Teach him absolutely everything he might need to know to do the job. You never know when he might need the skills (at the very least, to show off to your friends!) – it never hurts them to have a “fall back” career in case their circumstances change and they need to join the workforce!

My Texas-horse probably would have been a good therapy horse, but I waited too long and he had too many expensive management issues by the time I was ready to offer him. I kick myself, because he wants a job, and he doesn’t really have one…

What a terrific boy!

Maybe he’s found his calling in life! Could be fun…for you too!

LOVE therapy horses! Good boy! Got the opportunity to have a therapy horse. BEST Husband Horse EVER. He was a big stout thing so they used him for the heavier riders and he was super careful for the really unsteady ones. Completely voice trained and NOTHING phased him. Something new always got the ‘whatever’ look and if he got into trouble he would just stand stock still and call for help.