Just when I thought things were looking up

Truthfully, I feel foolish. I have spent half of my life living with a “flip flop” disease. Flip flop meaning I am in remission and BOOM I have a relapse and vice versa. I started feeling better a few days ago and I got cocky. I thought this was it and I was cured. I tend to be a realist, but not when it comes to my body. I’m a realist about my disease when I am not in remission. Even though I live with chronic pain, I get stupid and giddy when I regain the use of body parts. My pseudo remissions are short and have become shorter as I have aged. I tell myself to be realistic, but it does not work. Frankly, the wannabe remissions are almost worse then just staying in my usual place, as I develop false hope and I suffer from more pain.

Do any of you suffer from situations similar to mine? How do you stay grounded and tell yourself the “good” period will soon be bad? How do you deal with people who ask if you’ve been cured or if you’re finally well?

Awww, Invite, I am sorry!


I am sorry you had a rough time of it, today. I hope that it is just the weather change or not enough pool time. When does hippotherapy start? (I am seeing Disney’s hippo ballerinas in tutus dancing to the sugar plum fairy song…)

I tend to keep my hopes up and tell myself that the pain will go away, and then research like mad. I fight back with knowledge, which gives me more of a sense of control.

Hug your ponies, please…

Jingles and hugs,

Remember, you can vent anytime! I am so, so sorry. And I am so hoping that you wake up tomorrow, and you are on the upswing again.

Aw… :frowning:

I know that post-injury I have thrice now gotten cocky. It’s a good word for it.

First was a rib thing. Kinda pulled the meat between ribs. Long story, but whip caught on (not turned on) electric fence tape when I was bent over to tighten short girth… poor Himself didn’t know it wasn’t turned on, and suddenly fence was chasing him… :eek: Anyway, got back on in two or three days, came off again, was protective, and broke a rib. :sigh:

#2 was a huge, serious, massive soft tissue injury when I fell through a wooden porch up to my knee, then with knee firmly in hole frontways, fell down stairs sideways (hence the degenerative hip now!) and got on at about 6 weeks post injury. Came off pretty darn quickly. Hurt tailbone, neck, etc. Was off completely for about 9 mos following… and then only sporadically riding for another year.

#3 was just last summer. You’d think I’d have learned by now, huh? First time shame on you, second time shame on me? Nope. :no: Wrecked knee (dog related, not horse related) Got on too soon–it didn’t hurt to RIDE after all… :uhoh: and something I’ve never done before or since, stirrup caught on a low apple tree/bush and … you guessed it… wrenched the hurt knee.

So no, some of us NEVER learn.

Well, hopefully third time is the charm and I am kinder to myself in the future… HOPEFULLY.

I am just learning how to manage the fibro and flares. I imagine it’s much easier to try to push too hard when you’ve been dealing with it much longer.

My only advice is to be kind to yourself. And spend MORE time on CotH. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hang in there. Take it easy. TREAT YOURSELF LIKE YOU WOULD A HORSE ON STALLREST AND REHAB… (which is always usually FAR better than we treat ourselves as humans, huh??)


Jingles for you - thoughts and prayers for you - be kind to yourself . Take the very best care of yourself - your body and spirit !

So sorry to hear it! That must be incredibly frustrating :frowning: <hugs>

It does seem to be perfectly natural, however. We are hurt/sick/injured and miss doing the things we love, or feel we’ve gotten behind on things we need to do, and as soon as things look up a little, we try to fit it all in. Argh! I’m guilty of it, too.

Feel free to vent, and I hope this relapse is short lived for you <jingles>

You guys are great

Next time I’m in pool therapy, I am going to have to look down to make sure I haven’t turned into a hippo with a tutu.

Rather than stall rest, I am putting myself on rest with a hospital paddock and some hadwalking;) I totally understand why horses get so frustrated when they are injured. I am so much nicer to my horses than I am to myself.

I am going to keep on trucking and doing what I can without pushing myself. I am making sure to rest as much as I need to…well, I’m trying to.

I get worried about missing out on things if I don’t do them even when I’m NQR. I just need to take things one day at a time and listen to my body. It is so much easier to say then it is to do!

Invite I am so sorry :frowning: I hope you feel better soon.

I know the only thing that kept me going during my ups and downs of being ill for the last 4 years has been the thought that I will show again. When I felt good ie not like I was going to die and had some feeling and control of body parts I know I pushed it way to much. I had to take a step back this summer and just not do anything for 3 months no matter how good I felt.

I will say the other thing that kept me from going insane was my iGallop. I put my saddle on it, put a riding clinic DVD on the TV, and practiced ‘riding’.

I know where you are coming from. You have to listen to your body. Even though right now I am better then I have been in years (even new clients that just started with me when I was still not quite right notice the difference) there are days my body says “hey lady, take a brake or you are going to be down for weeks!” So listen to what your body tells you. If you are bored and on ‘stall rest’ I have tons of Horsie DVDs I can send you copies of. Some training, others just good movies:)

I am sending muzzle kisses.

Thanks guys!

GQ, I really appreciate the dvd/video offer. I actually have tons of stuff to watch and read. I will consider it studying and research for my future equestrian endeavors :wink:

Ted, I gladly accept your kisses. Screech and Rubianna might be jealous if they find out, so my lips are sealed!!! It will be our little secret. Hopefully Wendi doesn’t mind sharing her man’s kisses!

I certainly don’t…every time he sniffs poop in the indoor I question those muzzle kisses…

Don’t feel bad! When I have a bad day the horses know(okay but he was still a pill that day…but he could have been worse my aids were muffled as I was stiff and tight muscled but he tries)

I like reading the horse magazines when im not riding like save them and go read issues from a year ago or so.

I also read coth, play farmville and ebay…the latter being not the cheapest habit

[QUOTE=DressageGeek “Ribbon Ho”;4497413]
I certainly don’t…every time he sniffs poop in the indoor I question those muzzle kisses…[/QUOTE]

lol!!! Everytime Troops goes to give me a kiss I say “Did you eat poop? No poop kiss Troopsie!”

lol!!! Everytime Troops goes to give me a kiss I say “Did you eat poop? No poop kiss Troopsie!”[/QUOTE]

Sadly, the frequent dog kisses from my horse poop loving pups get me concerned. If they eat horse poop, what are they eating that I’m not finding out about? I shudder at the thought!

Sadly, the frequent dog kisses from my horse poop loving pups get me concerned. If they eat horse poop, what are they eating that I’m not finding out about? I shudder at the thought![/QUOTE]

I’ve given up and just accept the dog germ kisses. Then go wash my face.