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Kan Teq still in business?

Does anyone know if Kanteq is still in business? My old vest went missing and I need to get a new one. I’ve always thought they looked super comfortable and well designed for women. Their facebook and Instagram haven’t had any activity since 2019 and the website is gone :frowning:

I don’t have the definitive answer, but I went looking for them in February hoping to buy a new vest and couldn’t find them either. Or, rather, what you said: whatever I found was old and hadn’t been updated in a while.

I ended up ordering a RaceSafe vest: I ordered it in late February and I’m scheduled to receive it next week! Huge delays in production and shipping really pushed the order back.

Good luck!

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Thanks for the info! My vest that went missing was a Racesafe and I really liked it. Tried a Champion and that was pretty similar to the Racesafe, but I was really hoping to try a Kanteq. I prefer to use shoulder pads after a shoulder injury. Both Champion/Racesafe have the add on pads but they are a touch bulky. I like how the Kanteq have them built into the design of the vest.

Yea I believe so. FOMO body protectors seem to be what most Kan wearers here are replacing them with, but not sure if they are available in the US?

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