Karl Eklof "Celt Horsemanship"

PSA when a person puts it out there that they are qualified to train horses and start colts and that they have years of experience, but the reality is they have spent their entire adult life incarcerated and has only been released from prison since 2021 that is call fraud and misrepresentation. For example, You are in prison from the early age of 20, you are supposed to get 240 years but somehow plead it down to 10. Then while incarcerated you manage to commit other crimes while you are in jail but somehow the system lets you out after only serving a 10 year sentence and 5 years probation. You get out in July of 2021 and then 3 months later in September of 2021 you set up a facebook page touting your amazing horse training skills. LOOK IT UP it is right there for everyone to see. Remember folks, don’t take recommendations from anyone about anything for any reason. Always do your own research, get references, tour their place before you bring your horse. Make sure they are insured, and that they are operating as a bonified licensed business. Karl Eklof of Celt Horsemaship in Phoenix AZ is not only completely unqualified to be a horse trainer but he is also an animal abuser as I have first hand knowledge of this occuring. Thankfully my horse did not break her neck and suffer and die but it could have easily gone the other way and I would have had no recourse since the only money this guy has is what he manages to swindle out of people. She was in his care for 3 days, then I had to get the sheriff to assist me in getting her back feel free to message me for the texts messages. If he is so proud of his prisoner/mustang experience why not put that on his business facebook page? If I had known he was a felon I would never have put my sweet 2 year old homebred filly in his care. His methods resulted in my horse being physically injured and mentally damaged. After all this happened while she was in his care and last I knew a horse is not capable of tieing themselves up. I can only imagine how long her left her alone in 110 degree heat tied up and the pressure she went through to have these injuries inflicted on her poor face. DO NOT allow this person to touch your horse and most of all do not put your horse in his care for any reason!!


To anyone reading this ridiculous post, please do your research before believing this deformation of character post. I just want to say first off using someone’s past against them shows this authors character and Secondly just because someone has a past doesn’t mean that they are not a good person. People change and I know with 100 percent that two things changed Karl Eklof’s life for the better and those 2 majestical things are 1. GOD and 2.HORSES Specifically the WILD MUSTANG. Just like the mustang many find theses wild beautiful creatures as a nuisance and an issues to be solved . Karl’s past is much like that, judgemental people feel it’s a waste of tax payers dollars to support and fund a wild horse program in those prisons but those that don’t feel this way see the beauty in the whole journey and process of reformation . Those mustangs save lives! They saved Karl’s life ! He found his purpose in working with these wild animals seeing himself in them ! I have personally had Karl Eklof train many many of my horses ! And he has done amazing with them! He is genuinely a true horse whisperer ! This woman horse spoked and set back, that is the marks you see on its face from when that happened and the halter . Anyone who is a horse person can absolutely see this and know how easy it can happen if your horse sets back ! Don’t believe me , there was an offer standing right there when it happened. Get the police report! This woman is on a vendetta to try and ruin this man life because she must be miserable herself and we all should pray for her . God will bless Karl Eklof because none of this is true and the TRUTH always prevails! Karl is the most gentle ,knowledgeable trainer I know and truly understands the horse ! Anyone that knows him will tell you this . He has worked with many of our rescue horses who had had previous trauma and learned to trust by Karl working with them daily being patience and understanding them . I am sorry this woman wants to try and discriminate and hash up someone’s past to try and ruin his image but what I do know is this is not damaging to Karl Eklof because Nothing will get in the way of God’s plan for this amazing trainer ,soon to be husband , father and loyal friend. So please do as this woman says and do your research because I promise you Anyone you talk to about Celt Horsemanship and Karl Eklof will tell you … yes he is an amazing trainer and one of the best hands down !

Just saying, proofreading is your friend.


Paragraph breaks are good, too, Karl (or SO). Erm, I mean, “horsehippie.”

BTW, did you notice that no one responded to the OP? That’s usually a hint that the allegations aren’t being taken particularly seriously. And the post had dropped off the first page of the board quickly so relatively few people had even seen it. But now that you brought it up again, people are going to start popping popcorn for the show.

Might be a better idea to let sleeping ponies lie in the future?