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Katie Dinan fall

Did anyone see Katie fall during the PA big jump? Looked like her and her horse tried to move up and leave a stride out. From my view on the computer screen, it looked like her horse stepped on her. Just hope she is doing okay!! Her round was beautiful up until then.

I hope she isn’t badly injured.

I hope so as well. I didn’t see the fall.

She’s such a good example of a dedicated, young, U.S. rider.

Poor girl. Hope she is okay! Goes to show even the best riders fall periodically.

I guess she’s OK—just rode in a class tonight.
I don’t remember if it was the same horse, though.

Good to know.

Was she on Dougie Douglas when she fell?

Yes, and he stepped on her like she was a stall mat! Didn’t even try to miss her. She did walk away but man that was scary

That’s odd! Most horses do everything they can to not step on their rider!! Must have hurt, ouch!