Kay Meredith passed away this evening. She contributed so much to American dressage. She served as president of the USDF, represented the US in the World Championships in Toronto and the Pan American Games in Caracas, Venezuela, won several national titles with her horses Blue Jay, Domino, Encore and Engarde. She was a judge,a mentor and a friend to countless people. Along with Robert Dover she made freestyles fun and exciting to watch. God speed, Kay.
So sorry to hear this. Condolences to her friends and family.
I’m sorry to say that I was not familiar with her but she sounds like an amazing person and contributor to the sport. I’m sorry she passed away
Yes, she was. If I’m not mistaken, she was one of the founders of USDF! She was remarkable, knew everyone, loved everyone and was always, always supportive of all riders, especially those willing to work hard and learn.
She used to do “Judges Viewpoint” at the Raleigh CDI*** and that section of the arena seating was packed with people wanting to hear her commentary. She could explain dressage movements in the simplest terms.
When she began writing her novels, she would send drafts to people she trusted to give her honest feedback. I was so honored to have been one of those chosen.
She’s riding high I’m sure with her infectious smile with Ashok by her side.
Sorry to read this. I scribed for her a few times, she was a gracious person and generous with her knowledge.
She sounds like a lovely person. For those that knew her, I’m sorry for your loss.
Thank you for sharing such warm, tender stories about her. Those of us a bit older sure know her name and she is the Meredith Manor family right? I’ll look for her obituary and post it. Would love to see pictures of her too.
An article she wrote:
RIP Kay and please join me when I work with my horses.
Yes she was Meredith Manor. I haven’t seen an Obit. I’ll reach out to her sister to see if the family plans on publishing anything.
Her Wikipedia page has been updated now to:
She was so much more than what is written here. She truly was bigger than life with her accomplishments and very humble at the same time.
Kay was the grand dam of NC dressage, for many of us of a certain age, she rode the first upper level tests we’d ever seen. I certainly remember her showing PSG at the old Little River facility back in the mid 80s. She was a force to be reckoned with.
From Kay’s sister:
She also reports there will be a memorial service next Spring. Details to follow closer to time.